Chapter 24 (Snow)

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"Hello mother. Father," he greets, nodding at us both while I'm still standing there completely frozen.

Oh. My. God.

"Shocked to see him?" Emma laughs again dryly, "Didn't think you'd ever have to face him did you? After what you did," she looks at us accusingly, glaring at us while still gently rocking her daughter.

"We- we tried to find you," I say, "We thought you were dead," I whisper, looking at him with my head titled. "Oh I've missed you so much! Welcome back son!" I cry, reaching out my arms to him, taking a step forwards to hug him. However suddenly my throat feels like it's closing up, pushing all the oxygen from my lungs. Then I'm lifted up in the air and whilst I put my hands to my throat in an attempt to breath I look down and see my son, using magic to choke me. Faintly I hear my husbands shouts but I'm to focused on him to be thankful.

"You- have-magic," I mange, my voice raspy, "Son- I-" But I am physically unable to say anything else because the feeling in my throat, the feeling of my throat closing up getting worse.

"You really think I would come back to you after what you did," he says accusingly. "You abandoned me. You let me be taken and didn't even bother to look for me. And despite the horrors you have committed I am so glad you have because Emma finally sees you how I see you, for who you really are. And Neal and William? Well they're getting to to, but they're hearts are pulling them back and forth between the darkness. But eventually? It'll stop and they will want to join us. Just you wait," he says, my already broken heart breaking more and more by the second. He's right, what we've done to our children is to great and we don't deserve to be forgiven.

By any of them.

"He's right you know," Emma sighs, looking up from the bundle of blankets. "And as much as I want to see you die I want to make you suffer first. I want to see you at your worst, I want you to hurt so bad that you're on your knees, begging for death," more hate floods her voice by the minute, any happiness left there being sucked out. I keep thinking she can't hate us more but then she speaks at it appears she does.

"You can torture us all you want, we'll never stop loving you. We will never give up on you Emma," David says, more tears in his eyes than me, "And not in a million years will we ever stop," he stands infront of me, looking at both our children. "And you to James, I've loved both of you since the moment I saw you and despite what we've done that will never stop. The moment it stops is the moment I die, I'm your father, no matter what you do I'll always protect you and I'll always love you, and no torture will fix that. No matter how many swords you throw in my face," even though I can't see his face I can see the emotion on his face, the menacing in his eyes, how much his words mean. Even if Emma and James don't accept them, I know he means it and that is all I could ever want from him.

For him to try.

"Oh, you miss understand David," Emma says, turning to James while they both burst out into a fit of laughs. The pure happiness in their giggles unsettles me, fears me, what are they planning?

"We don't want to physically hurt you," James informs us. "We want you to feel all the pain we've felt. Do you know what it was like being locked up alone for 21 years? Knowing that your parents abandoned you and knowing that they are tricking the rest of your family? I am so lucky I had Cora to look after me, to train me. She taught me how to use my magic and over the years I built on that knowledge, becoming so powerful I was able to talk to Emma in a dream. I was able to talk to her and I was able to look in on her, to look after her, to look into the future," the story of my sons suffering makes more pain weigh me down, makes the choking worse. He was put through that because of me. "And all that pain? Well I want you to feel it, and I want you to feel Emma's and everybody you've ever wronged, all at once. We want you to suffer and for it to never stop until you are in your hands and knees, begging for the end," the description makes an empty feeling appear in my stomach, how are they going to do that? What are they going to do to us?

I need to breath, I can feel the life being sucked from my body, I can feel myself dying. Only a few seconds, in a few seconds I'll be dead. I can feel myself dying. And then a bang draws my attention and looking up I see three people. Three very familiar people but one in particular draws my attention.


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