Chapter 16 (William)

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Trees dance as I walk further into the Forrest and the branches wave at me as I walk past. The birds sing there songs, the bees' buzz and the flowers still bloom. The nature is calming to my soul.

My broken soul.

Arthur, my one true love, my one true friend, is dead. Dead because of my parents. My stupid, stupid parents.

But I won't follow Emma down her dark path, I refuse to. I may hate mother and father but I want them to be happy, to be safe. No one deserves the unhappiness they've bestowed upon me and my sister. Even them, the people who caused it. No one should be this unhappy, this broken.

In killing Arthur, they've killed part of me to. I guess that's what happened to Emma except all of her died. Despite me not wanting to turn evil, I am beginning to understand her more. Understand her darkness, understand her pain. She also lost her true love.

I wish she were here for me to talk to at the moment. Currently she's the only one that could understand how I'm feeling. Both our loves were killed My our parents. I just hope she doesn't try to get me to join her, I hope she doesn't turn me evil. Despite everything, I don't want to be that. It's not who I am.

"Ouch," I mumble, on walking into a large piece of stone. Walking around, I realise it's a grave. The writing is hard to read, dusty, but as I sweep that away, the words become clear.

Grace. The mother I never had, my saviour. Rest in peace.

And the other grave, that lay not a few cm from that one reads:

Killian. Where I kept my heart. My soul has died with you, my love. Rest peacefully.

My eyes scan across the words and I frown, realising who the graves are for. The words are heartbreaking, I can feel the pure pain behind them. No hate, just pain, great, great pain.

"He had a good heart, despite everything, despite all he did. Inside was a good man you know. He changed, for me, all he wanted was me, a life together. He didn't want anything else, we were going to sail away together, have a life. Then we were going to go to that other realm, to escape his death but he didn't want that. He never forgave himself, I just hope he's moved on now and found peace," Emma's voice comes from infront of me. Looking up from the writing I smile at my sister in greeting, placing my hand over hers which is placed over Killians grave.

"He's watching of you, just as Arthur is with me," I try in an attempt to comfort her. It kind of works, she smiles back at me and nods, tears still in her eyes. In this moment her darkness has gone, pain is all there is. In this moment I nearly forget she's evil because of how vulnerable she looks. Like the sister I knew long ago.

"Yeah, I know," she nods, "And his daughter, he looks out for her to," she lets out a long breath, while I smile at the fact I have a niece. It's so easy to forget Emma is a mother, to a little girl, a little princess, as I've just found out.

"It's a girl?" I question, making her laugh slightly.

"That's right you didn't know did you?" She states, in a regretful tone. She looks at me again, this time apologetically. "I'm sorry Will. I haven't been there for you, I've abandoned you. I didn't even tell you the gender or when she was born. I've been so focused on me I forgot you've been through a lot to. I am so sorry for leaving and I am so sorry about Arthur. If I hadn't left, if I'd stayed with you- I am so sorry," and in her eyes, I can tell she means it. So, I forgive her. But I do not blame her for Arthur's death, she did nothing, she was trying to help and I pushed her buttons.

"It's okay, and you aren't to blame for his death, out parents are," I tell her honestly, "You were trying to help me and I was just focusing on me, not on you. I ignored the fact you've been through far more than me, I ignored the fact your not only looking out for yourself but your child," she nods at this but doesn't talk. For a few seconds she stares off into the distance and then she looks at me again, eyes wide, hopeful.

"You don't have to stay with them you know," she tells me, making me sigh. I know that, I also know what she's about to offer and I already know my awnser to that. "You can come and live with me. You'd have your niece, your brother," she says, making me slightly confused. Neal hates her, but then I think back to mother and father's secret. No... it can't be...

"You mean James is alive?" I question, absolutely shocked. Mother and father had been certain he was dead.

"Yes, and he wants revenge to. You could join us brother, together we could give our parents what they deserve. Justice," she says, almost pleadingly. My sister has never been one to beg.

"You know I can't," I awnser making her sigh to. "Besides, what you're doing isn't justice, it's vengeance," and I expect her to get cross but she just nods.

"I know but I can't let them go free, you understand don't you?" She questions, again making me sigh.

"Yes," I awnser, I mean what else could I have said? No?

"At least take this," she says, handing me a dull grey stone. It looks so gloomy and dark, just like her darkness really but reflected in this rock. However in the middle a bright red ruby sits in the middle, so magical even I can feel it. Also where stone meets ruby there a small engravings, it's not clear what they say- another language I think and there also way to small to read to the human eye.
"It will allow us to keep in contact. Hold it and think of me and I will appear," she explains, so I take it. It feels so cold in my hand, like I'm holding ice, carefully and slowly I graze my thumb over the gem, which feels incredibly warm (especially in comparison with the rock which it is embedded in) and strange, it feels magical. I'm not quite sure how I know it feels magical, after all I don't have magic and have no experience in but somewhere deep within me, I feel it.

"Okay," I smile, placing the small stone in my pocket. Just as I am about to say goodbye however, I hear another whoosh and looking in her hands I see lots of blankets. Taking a step closer I realise it isn't a bundle of blankets but a baby, her baby.

"William, this is Hope. Would you like to hold her?" Emma asks me, smiling down lovingly at her daughter. She's a mother, I can't believe it even still but she's a mother and she looks like a very good natural one. Almost as if this was always what she was suppose to be, even if she was meant to have her love on her side. I can't help but give a smile myself, it's been a long time since I've seen the look of pure love on her face. She looks happy with her child, even if when she looks at me the glimmer in her eyes does read pain.

"Yes," I nod, outstretching my arms and taking the little babe into my arms. At first I think she's going to cry, but then she just makes a cute baby like noise. I look down at her bright blue eyes which stare at me, her lips small but definitely wear a smile. "Hello," I coo, bouncing her slightly whilst holding her close, "Hello, I'm your uncle, uncle William," I continue, tears building in my eyes, she's so cute, so small, so innocent.

I have a niece.

I just felt like I had to write this- especially the last part with William holding Hope and then tearing up. Hope you enjoyed :)

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