Authors note

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I hope you enjoyed the last proper chapter, next up is the epilogue. This again is from Emma's POV.

To be honest I struggled writing quite a lot with this book. Nothing to do actually with the book but just bad timing. I've been very busy and have been ill quite a lot over the last months.

Happy to announce there will be yet another sequel this! The third book in the Dare to Love series will be...

Hope Abandoned.

So look out for that!

I must thank you all for sticking through this book. Honestly it was only written so my third book could be written. You can probably tell this as there is multiple plot lines, (Arthur's death, trying to stop Emma, trying to earn forgiveness) but I still hope you enjoyed it. Any thoughts on Evil Awakened?

In this book there have been no huge character developments but you have gotten to see more of the character. Towards the end you realise Emma isn't just casting the curse for her, but for Will, James and Hope. You have also gotten to see Snow, Neal and David as you didn't in the last book. You got to see there guilt and there thoughts, revealing more as you read along. As said by (Snow?) In the show, no ones all good and no ones all bad, things are not that simple. So I ask you now, has this book changed your mind since last asked, #teamEmma or #teamCharmings?

From Forbidden Love I did pick up some storylines, but some were left dropped. (Prince Edward) Character such like these may return and may not- I'm not telling.

To leave you with I ask you these questions and the epilogue next week:
-What did the curse do?
-What's happened to everyone?
-Is Emma going to be able to raise Hope well now?
-Were Emma and James just using one and another one will there sibling relationship last?
-What's happened to William and how do you think you break the curse if it's not true love's kiss? Will his curse break?
-Will the curse be broken?
-Are there any people you think might be the key to break it?
-will there be a saviour? If so, who? (I have dropped hints to whom this could be)

Till next week :)

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