Chapter 37 (Emma) part 1

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*The night after Emma last saw William*
Outside is dark, the night has fallen in and the sky is covered with stars. Looking at them reminds me of Killian, which is mostly the reason I come out here often at night for walks. He always loved star gazing, he'd tell me all the different constellations, looking at the stars and the sea was the two things that always calmed him.

Oh Killian, I miss you.

It's been hard raising my daughter without him. When I found out I was pregnant I always imagined raising a child with him, I didn't think that it would end up like this.

James has helped me a lot since I found him in that tower, he put up with my mood swings, he helped me with my magic to develop it, he helped me through my pregnancy and birth and now is helping me raise a child. He's helped me with a great deal of things which go far beyond what I have listed. He helped me get out of the dark place I was in.

Killian should be here. He should have seen his daughters birth, the first time she opened her eyes which we were able to look down upon, the first time she cried, her first smile. He should be here watching her say her first word and take her first steps, but instead he's gone and Hope will never know the loving man her father was.

I left Hope with James at the castle, I don't want her to be around for this. Her eyes I still innocent, she is still innocent, even if she is the only one here who is. I certainly am not.

Tightly, I clutch Killians letter in my hand, tears brewing in my eyes, he wanted me to remain a good person, he didn't want me seeking revenge but that alas is what I have done.

Take it from me, vengeance is tempting, the darkness always is. Resist it. Revenge is a bad choice so please don't go seeking it. The prophecy's say you will be a great hero, I believe you can be that hero. You will be that hero. I know it.

Stay brave and hopeful and everything will work out. Keep the love of your family in your heart. Keep my love in your heart but also move on and be happy. Don't stay stuck in the past, please it will only end badly.

I'm sorry Killian but Snow, David and Neal must be punished even if it does mean punishing everyone. And that means everyone.

Closing my eyes I think of William, I did what I did because I don't want him to suffer. I did that to protect him. He's not going to die, he'll just sleep once I administer the correct potions.

No not a sleeping curse, that's to easy to wake him up from.

The wishing star stone I gave him, the ruby inside, was in fact a poison. By touching it, it absorbed into his blood stream, leading to him dying. Of I don't do anything he will die, but if I get to him on time and give him a potion (mix of frogs eye, snakes tongue, particular weeds and a tear of heartbreak) he will sleep. There is only one way to break it, and that is known only to me and James and Rumplestiltskin.

I must do this. I have to. To get my revenge, to protect my daughter from my parents, so I can be happy. For if I don't get my revenge I fear, I know, I will not be able to raise my daughter. I must cast the curses so I can be at peace. Even if that does mean sacrifice. Even if it does mean murder.

The person meeting me here cannot live. They are powerful and know to much. I must make sure they cannot tell anyone else because they would happily tell anyone, for a price of course, and so I can have their power. Once I take their power and become the next dark one, I will be the most powerful to have lived (each dark one is more powerful than the next) and combined with my power now and this James to help me? Even just me personally will be unstoppable, and with James and our other 'helpers' no one will be able to stop us.

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