Chapter 3 (Snow)

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In this story Zelena joined the witches of the south, north and east and didn't go back to Evil and the witches north east and west are slightly different as they are in film/ book. Thanks to @ Potter_Pendragon and pinacolada07 for filling me in with these 4 witches, go follow them! :)

Reading the words is like poison to my ears. I can feel every inch of hate in them, every ounce of darkness my daughter holds and it terrifies me. I remember when she had no darkness in her eyes, in her life, just light and now because of us, David and I, there is none. Only darkness.

We didn't know Emma was pregnant, if we did that would have changed everything. David and I both know what it's like to grow up without a parent and we would never have put that fate upon a child if we knew.

"Snow?" David questions, only slightly pulling me out of my thoughts. "Snow what is it? Is there something there? It's just a blank piece of paper," he tells me, making me shake my head vigorously.

"No it's not, it's writing, Emma's writing," I breath heavily, looking up at my husband desperately trying to blink my tears away. "It's Emma,"

"Why is it you can only see it?" Neal chimes in, "When I looked it was just a blank piece of parchment ,"

"I think I can help with that," blue says, the sound of twinkling informing me she flying to us. Looking up I see a worried expression upon her face, looking at the letter with her hand held out. "May I?" She questions to which I nod and let her hold it.

"Yes, just as I suspected," she mutters under her breath. After a few seconds she looks up and her gaze falls to me. "Emma has cast a spell on this that was used long long ago, high witches and wizards used it to make things visible to only one person, making other people deem them as crazy so they could be brought into the mad house. Its simple yet harsh however I do not believe this is what Emma intended it. It's a warning," blue informs us, handing the letter for me to take. "And a deadly one to,"

"How do you know this?" I ask, "Surely of I'm the only one to see it then you wouldn't know this,"

"Magic doesn't often get past me," She half laughs, "And I can tell you this is a warning, a warning of danger,"

"What kind of danger?" David asks, voicing the same question as I have. As everyone in this room likely has.

"I do not know, but there is a place where you can find out," she says, making me and David quickly exchange looks.

"Where?" I ask.

"A place called OZ. Their, there are four witches, the witch of the north, the south, the east and the west. Together their powers are joined making them more powerful than anything. To get your awnsers journey to them," Blue tells us, looking at us pleadingly. "You must do this Snow, even my powers have there limits and I'm afraid I do not know what Emma is planning. She seems to be one of the most powerful sorcerers to ever have existed,"

"How long will it take? I've never heard of a place called OZ before," Neal asks, looking extremely confused.

"Actually I have," William says, making all of us look at him. How has he heard of it but not us? "It was in one of the first books you read to me mother, about a young maiden who travelled to the land by tornado, remember?"

I think about this for a second before I suddenly remember. Yes, that was the first story my mother read to me, the first I read to Neal and Emma to.


"Oh yeah," I smile, pushing the thought about Emma away. Whenever I think about her there's always this emptiness, from when she left there's been a huge whole within me I cannot fill. Only she can fill it. "And one of the witches- was it north or south?- Glinda,"

"Yes," Blue smiles, "There are four witches in Oz, Zelena the witch of the West, Glinda the witch of the south, Elphaba the witch of the east and finally Evanora the witch of the north. If you journey to them they can help you, they will know what Emma is planning and most importantly how to stop it,"

"Then we should go at once," David says, squeezing my hand and smiling at me. "The sooner we go the sooner we know how to protect ourselves from whatever she has planned," he has tried to put up a wall between him and Emma, to push away the pain. It's easier for him to pretend that Emma has always been this way rather than to think she was once one of us but I can see right through him. Just like me, just like all of us he is hurting.

"Yes, Blue," I agree, directing the fairy again, "How do we get to this OZ?"

"Well," she sighs, "It won't be easy. A year ago I gave the last magic bean to Emma, thinking she would use it to escape with her fiancée and baby, yet things didn't turn out that way," she glances momentarily at the window making me feel a pang of guilt. "But there is still a way. You must journey to get the wishing star, so you can wish to go to OZ and wish to go back home. Only those with true hearts can get it, and you, I believe, do,"

Maybe not anymore but it's worth a shot. I need to bring my daughter back to the light. I must.

"Where is this wishing star?" David asks, "Where can we find it?"

"Well it's actually stone, and currently in possession of a pirate named Blackbeard," Blue informs us, "Incredibly nasty, greedy. In return he is likely to ask for money, and lots of it,"

"Well that's okay, we can get it out of the royal treasures, anything to save our daughter,"  I say, nodding at David who nods back.

"It may not be that simple," Blue murmurs quietly so we can barely hear her. David opens his mouth to ask why but suddenly the doors fly open. Turning around I see to soldiers looking incredibly worried, currently fighting for breath.

"M-My l-lady, m-m-my l-lord," They chorus, bowing once there breathing is back to normal.

"We bring news, terrible news," one of them says, paler than snow.

"What is it?" David asks carefully, exchanging a glance with me.

"It's Rumplestiltskin," The other guard says, "He's escaped,"

Evil Awakened (Dare to love #2) (OUAT fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum