Epoligue (Emma)

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Years after the darkest curse was cast...

I could wake him up.

I could easily wake him up.

Honestly? It wouldn't take much and I could easily awaken him without any hassle. So why am I just watching him as he sleeps day after day after day? Obviously there has been no change. He looks exactly the same as he did seven years ago, that's nearly a decade, when I cast this curse.

If I hadn't of put him under this curse, he would be... 22 years old by now. That's how old I was when I casted this curse and wow that's a lot to take in. When I was his age I had a child, had lost my true love, had found my family and was casting the worst curse to have ever been cast successfully and even some might say thought of.

And how does my revenge feel I hear you ask?

I can awnser that in one word.


The feeling that every night I can go to sleep knowing I won, there suffering for what they did (not just to me, William to) is great. Nothings ever felt better since being with Killian. Of course been with my own daughters a joy to but knowing I can raise her with my soul being at peace. That only makes me more peaceful and makes me even happier.

We got 'em William and Hope. Don't either of you worry, they are suffering for what they did to us.

However, that great feeling doesn't stop the guilt. It doesn't stop the guilt that invades my body each time I come into this blasted place. Nothing can ever be done to stop me feeling guilty about what I did to my youngest brother.


"I love you," I whisper quietly, caressing his cheek with my thumb and kissing him lightly on the forehead.

He doesn't awaken because why? True love doesn't break every curse. To break some curses you a little more, let's say power.

Each time I stand here I always make sure to tell him that because I don't want him to think I hate him to. I don't want him to hate me.

"That's why I did this to you," I murmur more to myself than him. "I had to, There was no other way"

My revenge feels good. But the guilt... the guilt that plagues me everyday.

Which is worse?

Evil Awakened (Dare to love #2) (OUAT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now