Chapter 7 (William)

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A few days have passed since the news came out about my brother, and the proper price of the deal. It's been... awkward. Neal won't talk to my parents, I talk very little to any of them which is only understandable since, well, you know what happened. They have been keeping so many secrets from us and I can't help but think they may be keeping more, but of course they aren't. Thats ridiculous. They're Snow White and King Charming, they don't keep secrets.

Of course the news spread through the kingdom like wildfire, leaving everyone... divided. That's not good, really not good. There have been people shouting outside our palace: "Emma was right! Your corrupt!" Or "Neals rule!" Or "Corrupt! Evil! Greedy!" Or "bad King and Queen!" While others who still believe in mother and father's rule have been sending gifts. This will all turn to hell, sooner or later if Emma doesn't kill us all first, and we will pay. My parents brought this upon us.

In other news, mother and father are due to leave in an hour. They refused to let us come with them, even though Emma's not actually angry at me, I did no wrong to her, all I did was try to help her get her happy ending. So even if she is angry at me, I know I did no wrong.

I pace around my bedroom, biting my finger nails furiously (something I do when I'm anxious) there are so many ways this could go to hell. Soon, when the kingdoms at its weakest, Emma could chose that chance to attack. Or she could wait till war breaks out and help the people who no longer believe in Snow and David's rule. Of course they don't believe in her rule either, with her being evil, running around and killing their families and all. (Well the evidence we have suggests she's only killed a few but dozens of our soldiers have went missing, we can only assume she's killed them all.

There is one question I can't stop asking myself though, why did mother and father choose to tell us? They could have easily kept it from us, what persuaded them to spill? Is it what they did to Emma? Are they still trying to make up for that? Or is it something more? Did they act out of guilt?

I don't know, I have no idea why they told us that. I'm just glad they did. Hopefully they have no more secrets. This family have seen how secrets can tear each other apart.

"William, William," my man servant, Arthur says, shaking my shoulder to get me out of my thoughts. I gave him permission to call me that or rather he just started and I didn't stop him. Honestly if Father knew our relationship, he'd be fired. We aren't together we're just really good friends, something father might not approve of. Well he probably wouldn't mind to be honest I'd just rather he wouldn't find out. "Dreaming about Edward again?" He asks, a little inside joke of ours. Arthur was always insistent Edward and I kept making eyes (we weren't. He just says it to wind me up. It works.) and since then he's been making jokes about us getting together, me liking him, him liking me etc.

"Hmm," I reply, looking up from the floor to my worried friends face. I try to smile at him to reassure him but he doesn't look any less worried.

"Will you okay? I can make some tea if you want, always makes things better," he smiles, walking over to the fire pit but I quickly deny the offer.

"No, it's fine I'm just..." I kind of trail off because I'm not to sure what I'm feeling. I'm worried about my parents visiting Emma, after all she wanted them to come and that can't mean anything good. I do love Emma and I am still in shock about what happened with her turning dark and I'm still in shock because I have a brother. And my parents lied to me. But most of all it's my parents and my worry for them, it will take three days for them to get to Reginas, well Emma's castle, because there avoiding the sea route. This is due to them killing Killian, they aren't to popular along the sea or docks anymore. Despite the wall between the pirates, especially the captains, in the end they wanted to be the one to kill each other so knowing they weren't the one to kill Hook kinda has them worked up. Caring pirates. Ha.

"Overwhelmed?" Arthur suggests, looking around my room. "I wouldn't be surprised, with everything that's happened. Your sister, knowing your family is in danger, learning about a secret brother, realising your parents have been lying to you, them going on a journey they might not come back from," he's right, Arthur is right but I know they will because I just have a feeling Emma has something bigger planned. I don't know why, I just do. However Arthur's words does make me wonder something, how he's phrased it, realising your parents have been lying to you, it just makes me wonder. Would it be so wrong to ask? Probably, but I will anyway. Hopefully no one is outside. Just to be on the safe side however I walk to the door, open it, look around and close it before walking back to Arthur. He looks a little confused by my actions, looking at me curiously.

No one was outside so I can ask him. But is that a good thing? What is his awnser? I'm not even sure which one I'd prefer right now. It would be difficult to hear he's against my parents but if he's with them I'm not sure. I'm just not sure.

"What side are you on Arthur?" I ask, decoding to elaborate more because of his confusion, "Are you with my parents or against them?"

Wasn't going to end it here but I thought I might cause it's a good place to end. So what do you think is he with snow and Charming or against them? Are you with snow and Charming or against them? Let me know in the comments! By the way I'm against them, (for what they did to Emma and Grace and for all the lies they've told) so it's been a little difficult to write them seeming guilty and remorseful but also still heroic. In my mind I wanna kill them off right now... wouldn't make for a good story though.

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