Chapter 14 (William)

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Great. Just great. I didn't need her anyway. I have the key and now I'm running I'll find Arthur quicker than I would have done.

I don't need her.

I run as fast as lightning, faster even. My laboured breath begs me to slow down but I won't, I will run till my last breath to find my Arthur, I don't care about the horrible ache in my legs.

I look into every cell, some are empty, some hold prisoners but none of them my servant. I slow down my pace slightly to look at everyone but no luck. He's not here. Please don't tell me he's already dead.

No. He can't be. He just can't. He can't be dead no! I didn't even get I chance to say goodbye, to confess my love for him.

Tears fill my eyes, threatening to make a waterfall but I don't let them. One naughty tear manages to slip past the gates and flows down my face, leaving a wet mark in its wake. I feel like just giving up and bursting into sobs but suddenly there's a voice. A familiar voice.

"William?" The voice says, sounding both relieved and happy. "Is that you?" I snap my head round and suddenly all the tears go away. He's here, he's alive. I can save him.

"Arthur!?" I smile back, running towards his cell. "I thought they had- you were-" however I'm cut off by him, by his lips.

The kiss is... I'm not to sure I can properly describe it. It's amazing. His lips on mine, finally touching, it's magical. I can feel the power it brings which instantly disappears when we pull away, needing breathe.

"That was-" I whisper, touching my lips, wanting to savour the moment, I never want to forget this. Even if we are in a cell which at the moment, if we don't go will result in Arthur's death. "We need to get you out of here," I change the subject, drawing the key from my pocket and going to unlock the door. However Arthur places his hand on mine, looking into my eyes.

"Wait," he says quietly, "Before you let me out of here, whatever happens I want you to know, I need you to know, I love you," he confesses, making my now complete heart even more complete.

"I love you to," I sigh, a smile on my face and now it's my turn to kiss him. I lean in ready for our lips to touch again when there's footsteps from behind us.

"Stop! Stand back!" A guards voice says, and turning around I see he's holding an arrow with others holding swords behind him. I step forwards, nearer them, drawing my own sword, ready to fight.

"No William!" Arthur gasps from behind me, "They'll kill you," he sounds worried, really worried but I'm not. Not anymore.

"Well then that's high treason isn't it!" I flash a smile before raising my sword and then...

"There will be none of that," my father's voice says, making all the guards separate so he can walk through.

Damm it.

"Now, Will, be sensible and put the sword down," he says in a tone I would normally listen to but I don't. I'm not a scared little boy anymore. I'm a brave man. Not weak, not scared. I've grown up, I've matured.

"No," I say, glaring at the man whose supposed to do what's right for me, what's best for me. Can't he see that's being with William? Clearly not.

"William," My father warns, "go to you're bedroom, you don't have to be involved in this,"

"You mean you're going to kill him now," I say, looking at Arthur who looks extremely scared, so much he's frozen. "Well, Father, I'm not going to let you, you've caused me to much harm already,"

"William, calm down," Father says, "No one has to die, today" I hate the way his says 'today' can't he see no one has to die?

"Father Arthur's a good man, he's not done anything wrong," I say, my tone taking on a hint of desperateness. "He's a good man,"

"No he isn't, now calm down, as I said the only person that has to be harmed here, is him," at this anger floods through me. That's wrong, that's a lie.

"THATS NOT WHAT YOU SAID!" I scream. "You liar!" Tears return, blurring my vision as they begin to fall.

"Do not shout at me or call me that son," Father says, anger taking on his tone to. "I love you and I only want what's best for you,"

And that's this? No. It can't be. Why can't he see that?

"If you kill him you will lose me," I repeat trying to stop my tears but they continue to flow.

"Now, I'm going to end this, no one has to be upset, just relieved another evil has left this world- FIRE!"

My world freezes. My tears stop in shock. All I can hear is my breathing. His breathing. I turn around at Arthur whose still frozen on the spot, not moving. He looks to scared.

"ARTHUR!" I shout at the top of my lungs, but he still doesn't move. I won't let him die. No. It has to be me. It will be me. I try to jump into the arrows path but I'm pulled back by the guards, allowing me to watch as the arrow pierces his heart, William finnaly unfreezes, stumbles back and looks at me, falling and dying right on the spot.


Sorry about long chapter and I broke my promise. I promised myself I wouldn't kill anyone off but seemed to have not worked out. 😂 Sorry about mistakes/bad writing. I'm writing this in the morning. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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