Chapter 33 (William)

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Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

Each arrow fired from my bow hits the target, exactly in the centre splitting each arrow as I continue to fire more.

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

I keep thinking firing them will get out my frustration but it does very little to help. Sighing, I pick up yet another arrow, placing it in the bow, letting it fly and watching as it hits the target perfectly, again.

"You've certainly gotten better," I hear my brothers voice. Looking towards the sound, I see him carelessly leaning against a tree with his arms folded. Upon his face he wears a slight smirk but as he begins to walk closer to me it falls into a sad and concerned look.

"Yeah, you still suck," I smirk, looking back at the target and firing yet another. From behind me I hear an annoyed sigh and I can practically hear his eyebrows raise in challenge.

"Really? Do I?" He asks with the slightest hint of sarcasm in his voice. Turning around I see I'm right, his eyebrows are raised and he's smiling whilst shaking his head disbelievingly. "You underestimate me brother,"

"Really? Do I?" I mock, staring at him while he rolls his eyes.

"I'm older than you, of course I'm better. I'm stronger and have been doing it for longer than you. When you were a little three year old with your toy sword I was learning to sword fight with a real sword," he resorts, thinking that's a good point to make me believe he's better than me.

"You're playing that card? Really?" I ask, chuckling to myself, "That's So pathetic, surely you can come up with something more than that," I smile, watching as he slowly walks over to me and picking up an arrow.

"Let's see then," he tells me, snatching the arrow I'm holding making me frown and growl. He places it so it sits in the bow, pulls the string back while screwing one eye shut to try and hit the target (you see I'd never have to do that, evidence I'm better at archery than him) and let's the string go, making the arrow fly and hit the target on the centre. "And I hit it!" He boasts, "I hit it! I hit it!"

"Whatever," I roll my eyes, "I was getting bored of this anyway, I'm going inside," I tell him, needing to get away from him. I just want to be alone.

"What's up with you?" Neal asks, jogging infront of me to stop me walking any further. Rolling my eyes I go to walk around him but he steps in my way.

"Get out my way," I groan, rolling my eyes again because he just frowns back at me with a hint of anger in his face. "Move!"

"No!" He snaps, "Not until you forgive our parents!" He tells me, making me open my mouth and looking around me. Where did that come from? Why does it involve him?

"Why?" I ask, anger building within me. It's none of his business. I look at him, watching as he runs his hand through his dirty blonde hair, his look just plain annoyed.

"Because ever since Emma left our family's been... it's been broken. And us being angry at them isn't helping them, they've already lost two children, they do not need to lose anymore. And if we get Emma back? Well then you'll have to forgive them, please Will, do it so we can be a family," he lectures me but before I can even open my mouth he continues speaking. "Look, before you say anything I know you have a right to be angry at them. They killed the love of your life but don't you think they've been punished enough? What with Emma being dark, not knowing if we'll get them back? And us being angry at them isn't making it any better, so please brother, I know you want to, don't deny it," he says, seeing right through me.

Okay, he's right, I admit it. I want to forgive them, I really do. I hate being angry at them, I hate being apart from Emma, I hate all of this. I just want thighs to be normal again and a step closer to do that would be to let go of my anger. They ordered my love killed, and I'll never properly heal from losing him but I'm not helping myself by carrying my anger.

Taking a deep breath, I prepare to admit it but then I can't. I open my mouth and I just can't say it aloud, so looking at him guilty, I walk away.

I forgive you, mother and father. I forgive you.

Lots of this book has had much shorter chapters but there are more of them. About seven or eight more after this I think? Also to let you know this is the last chapter you'll get from William but you'll start getting more from Emma. (It basically alternates between Snow and Emma now with a few exceptions)

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