Chapter 27 (David)

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Yes, I know what I said, I changed my mind. Another David chapter although short and not my best work either.

"Now they're gone are you really serious? How do we know we can trust you?" Snow asks, voicing my concerns. After all he's done I know I shouldn't trust him, it's a really, really bad idea but I can't help but. There's just something about him, maybe it's just how messed up his clothes are and the scars in his face making him seem vulnerable, maybe it's the regretful look in his eyes I don't know. Maybe it's that he's the last parent figure I have left and I want to hold onto him even if he is evil.

"You don't," he awnsers solemnly, "I have no proof but the scars upon my face and the ripped clothing I wear," his blue eyes look into mine, twinkling like stars in the sky or freshly polished diamonds. That evil look he used to have his gone, the thinness of his lips or how he'd purse them is gone, he's a completely different man now. That strong exterior has disappeared, replaced with this weakness that is a strange colour on him. Despite that however it's as of he was never evil making me wonder exactly what has happened to him over the last year, it must have been terrible whatever it was.

"You know what George?" I ask, "Over the last 23 years of I've learnt anything its that liars have better material," I tell him, "The fact you have nothing is proof in itself that we can trust you,"

"Thank you, and you must know I really am sorry," he says, looking around, "And I also must say everything seems different... happier... since my reign," he comments, looking through the windows and all the light shining through the windows, "Reminds me of when your twin, my boy James was young," as he remembers this the innocent look in his eyes grows on thinking about my twin. Maybe now George is here I'll get to learn more about him, or maybe I won't. Who knows.

"It's alright, that was all decades ago and we all certainly have gotten old. Holding a grudge about it would be... it would be silly," I say, looking at Snow as we have one of our silent conversations. When we're finished, deciding to leave it until the morning and go to bed, she sighs and carries on talking. "A lot has happened today, I think we should all go to bed and get some rest. It's been a long few days for us and you must be exhausted too. You can stay in a guest chamber,"

"Thank you," George nods, "That would be very much appreciated,"

"And in the morning we're going to see blue, so we won't be there when wake up but when we get back we'll have a proper catchup then," Snow says in an inviting tone as we begin to make our way to the doors. It's a silent walk but as we get to the doors we talk again.

"I assume you remember where they are?" I ask, referencing his time in the castle, when he smiles and nods I nod back.

"Thank you so much and goodnight," he says, walking away in the opposite direction to us. As I watch him walk away I start to think: maybe we can start to have a relationship after all.

Maybe after all the bad things that have happened things are starting to look up. We will get our daughter back.

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