Chapter 12 (William)

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Why does life have to be so cruel?
Why do my parents have to mess up everything?
Why must they imprison everyone we love?
Do they not want me to be happy?

First Killian, now Arthur.

"AHHHGGR!" I scream with great frustration, knocking everything off my desk. I'm not allowed out of this stupid room and my parents have placed guards on my door, keeping me in here, like an animal.

I'm not an animal for loving Arthur. So why must they see that way?

Why must everyone see it that way?

I could see the look of pure disgust on all the guards faces, looking from me to Arthur shaking their heads.

I don't care what they think, I don't care what anybody thinks. I love Arthur and that's a fact.

I will not let him stay in the hands of my parents who god knows what they'll do. They heard Arthur confess to me, I think, but I think for the most part they've locked him up because we were about to kiss. How ridiculous is that? Kissing me alone is enough to get you killed, and with admitting what he did, he doesn't need a trial. I don't know for sure but there's a high possibility Arthur is facing a death sentence.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised. Mother and father don't want their children to find true love. That is evident with Killians death and now maybe Arthur's.

No, I will not stand for it.

I will free you Arthur.

And unlike my sister I will not fail because I will not make the mistake she did. I will not waste time saying goodbye to my brother. I will however leave a note, just a quickly one, Just because I'm not wasting my time doing it doesn't mean I'm just going to leave without nothing.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for all the times I've made you cross. I'm sorry for leaving, especially like this but I can't waste time. You understand don't you? I'm running away for love, so I can be with him. And that's right, him. I love you and I will never forget you, your the best big brother a guy could ask for.

I write quickly and messily. Leaving the note in the middle of my desk so it can be seen my whoever discovers I've gone missing. Then I grab my blue leather coat, slipping it on over a cape, with a hood so nobody can see me. I grab one for Arthur to, so we can escape without being recognised.

"For love," I whisper, taking a deep breath as I watch the wall open. Last time I watched this thing open I thought I'd never see my sister again, and I really wanted to, I didn't want her to leave. I guess you have to be careful what you wish for, I did see my sister again and she didn't leave until the next day.

When the brick closes I'm met with cold and dampness. The passage way is incredibly dark but luckily I brought a torch with me that lights up enough for me to see around. Knowing I can't waste anymore time, I start running, cringing as rats scurry past me. It doesn't only look damp in here, it smells damp and it isn't an incredibly pleasant smell. However as I run I don't think of the passage way but of Arthur, what I'm going to do when I get him, where we are going to go.

I have been so concentrated on rescuing him I have no idea where we will actually go after. Maybe for a couple of days we'll just run, get some distance between us and the guards and then decide where we will go. Maybe we'll get a farm, spend the rest of our days with each other and only each other. Maybe we'll escape to another realm. But one thing is for sure, we'll be happy. Him and me. Forever.

I take a different exit to the one I told Emma to, as she wanted to go somewhere first but I need to go straight to the dungeons. So quietly I open the door, squeezing my eyes shut and hoping nobody hears when it creaks.

The door leads to the hallway that goes directly to the dungeons, meaning I will need a distraction if I'm to get to Arthur. I can't knock them out, I don't have the ingredients for that with me, I can't launch an attack, they will outnumber me, I can however confuse them. It might not work but it's the best plan I've got.

I am just about to run out of my hiding spot when I hear two very familiar voices, so quickly I shut the door, pressing my ear against it to listen in.

"No. You've already made this mistake with Emma. And where is she now? Not here!" Neal shout-whispers. "You can't do this! You cannot kill him! As you just said, William loves him and you of all people should understand the power of true love,"

I guess I was right, if I don't save Arthur, he will die.

"It's not true love," father denies, making my blood boil. Who is he to decide that? "It's just two naive teenagers blinded from reality," this statement only makes me more angry and I have to resist the urge to draw my sword and jump out right there and then. Even if I did there's not doubt father would beat me. He's the best swords fighter in all the land, Emma being second of course.

"Father, listen to me," Neal practically begs, slowly is pace completely and turning around to father. "Do you really want to lose a third child? Because if you do this you will lose him," my brother says will the look of desperateness in his eyes. "Please father, I betrayed Emma, we all did, but especially me. The least I can do his make sure Will gets his happy ending," this makes me smile, I knew my brother loved me but this is still sweet. Quickly however I brush past this, focusing on their conversation again.

"You were doing what was right Neal, your duty, your not to blame," Father sighs, "It was me and your mother, we pushed her over the edge, not you. Please son, don't blame yourself. If anyone, blame me," I can't see what's happening but I can imagine it, Neal and father having a lovely father son moment while I'm waiting for them to leave so I can save my love.

"All of us had a part to play father, please don't blame just yourself. We all made mistakes- mistakes that cost us a lot- but we can't spend the rest of our lives dwelling on them. We have to forgive ourselves and move on. Move on and focus on getting our Emma back, not continuously blaming ourselves," I hear Neal say, and then I don't hear what father says next but they both fall silent. There's no noise for a few seconds, so assuming their gone I slowly open the door.

As I open the door I see there hugging. Father facing away from me so luckily I'm not seen, but as I go to close the door I feel someone watching me. Looking up at Neal I see his eyes open, staring at me. My eyes go wide I am about to shut the door and run but then I see kindness. He looks at me and then across the hall, repeating the motion until I get the message.

Nodding at him, I carefully slip out of the door, closing it without a sound. Then while Neal is still hugging father I run past, skipping the floorboards I know are creaky so I'm not heard.

I'm coming Arthur. I'm coming.

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