Chapter 2 (Emma)

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Only proof read once. Their will be mistakes, sorry. Next chapter ain't done properly either. Will do when I have time ;)

Dear mother,

Do you remember what happened this day a year ago? Do you remember how you and father killed Killian? Well I do. I most certainly do.

I remember standing there, overcome with my own grief, looking into your eyes and just seeing hatred. What you done wasn't duty or what the law demanded, it was revenge. 

You broke my heart and now I shall break yours. I vow to destroy your happiness, no matter what, even if it's the last thing I do.

Now I'm sure you're standing here thinking... why a survivor? That's messy, that's odd. Well I allowed him to live as a mark of how I'm a far better person than you, father or Neal will ever be. You broke my heart, destroyed my life and not only mine but a child's who shall grow up having never known their father. That's the cruelest punishment of all, my child didn't do anything, didn't wrong you. All because it only comes from one royal blood line doesn't mean it shouldn't have a good life. You may think I'm dark now, but your darker. No matter how many lives I take or other sins I commit nothing will ever compare to what you have done. Taking a child away from its father.

You destroyed the life of your own daughter and your own grandchild.

That is a crime like no other and you shall pay the ultimate price. But even with that you will never understand how much pain you have caused.

Evil. Corrupt. Greedy.

Their are the only words I can use to describe you now. You were thinking of yourselves and not of me, or anyone else. I went back to his ship soon after I left you, they were devastated at the news of their captain. Devastation YOU caused. Not me or anyone else.


It's amazing how far your devastation can spread, even to people that you've never met. And that unhappiness they've experienced, because of you, their more than willing to help me. Honestly you have no idea how many enemies you have, you're surrounded by them.

I'd be careful if I were you. One of these days it's going to bite back at you and I won't help, no one will. I will be standing over your body, watching you scream and tremble, laughing, cackling, smiling. Happy that your are finally suffering.

Now enough of that, let's get to the point. I've taken up residence in your old castle, the irony, I expect a visit from you. I want to talk, in person. And how about you bring father Neal and William heh? I love to talk. Especially to William, he's a great, smart boy you know. Shame he doesn't see you for who you really are, for who I see you as. Well one day he will, and as much as I hate Neal, he will to. One day they will both see who you really are.

Liars. Betrayers.

I used to believe in you, I wanted to believe in you.

All my, well, hate

The person you wronged the most.
The person father wronged the most.
The person Neal wronged the most.
The person you should fear.
The person everyone should fear.

Evil Awakened (Dare to love #2) (OUAT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now