Chapter 36 (Snow)

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"Hello, I was wondering when you'd arrive," a voice says from behind me. Turning around I see a table, a little like the only we have but it only has four seats. At each one, a woman sits.

The witches, I think to myself, it has to be. Each one is extremely beautiful, despite their different looks. The one that speaks wears a blue dress with her short blonde hair pulled back into a bun with a gem covered hair clip.

"Are we in Oz?" My husband says, looking around us at the sea of gold and green that seems to have engulfed the place. Every inch of ceiling and floor is either good or green, no other colour dwells in the room, maybe the other colours have been banished. It seems like it.

"Indeed you are," the woman says, the other woman that sit at the table turning towards us. In books witches are often portrayed as ugly old hags but these look nothing like, in fact they are the complete opposite, their stunning looks shocking me. No normal person would be able to get that much beauty. "My name is Glinda, and these are my sisters, Zelena, Elphaba and Evanora," she says, pointing to each woman who in turn smiles.

"We've come because of our daughter," I tell them, stepping forwards without even introducing myself. I want my daughter back and I don't care how far I have to go to do it. I'm sick of this, I want her back. I want her forgiveness and I'll do whatever it takes to get it.

"We know why your here," Glinda says, "Your arrival as been long awaited," she explains, nodding at us before quickly waking over to the table. Again the table completely golden but that can hardly be seen underneath the sea of books that sits on-top of it.

"Can you help us?" David asks pleadingly, "Can you tell us how to bring our daughter back to the light? Can you tell us what she's planning?" As these questions come out, especially the first one nervousness over takes me when all four women exchange glances.

"What your daughter is planning is terrible. Truly, truly terrible," The witch with red curly locks begins, getting up from her chair and coming over to us, the one called Zelena.

"And if she succeeds nothing will ever be the same again," The witch with brown hair called Elpaba jumps in, also coming forwards, quickly followed by Evanora.

"Or so we fear," Evanora sighs, looking incredibly worried. Looking at them I exchange looks with David before looking at Glinda who nods regretfully.

"I'm afraid my sisters are right," she agrees with them, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Emma is planning to cast a curse,"

"The dark curse?" I question, remembering back to when we managed to defeat Regina before she casted it.

"Worse," Zelena awnsers me, "Far, far worse," and the serious looks on their faces tells me they're not bluffing.

"She's planning a curse that will defeat the light, once and for all and as a result the realms will be forever changed, every single one of them. It's impossible to say exactly what will happen however, her and her brother are good at keeping they're plans secret but we do know that that it will be bad. The dark curse was going to make you forget who you are, trap you in a prison of time, this curse will be similar but have more drastic effects," she tells us, making me look at the ground with my mouth wide open. "From what we know it's built on the dark curse," How is she going to cast that? Would she really do that to her daughter or will Hope be saved?

Evil Awakened (Dare to love #2) (OUAT fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora