Prologue (Emma)

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"Just one more ingredient, sister," James tells me, looking from the table to the boiling, spitting potion. Above the fire, the cauldron is bubbling and shaking violently, a sign that it's nearly ready to go. So picking up the magic bean I carelessly throw it into the fire.

"It turns out this bean will give me what I want after all," I smirk, recalling the time when it was supposed to bring Killian and I our happy ending. I frown.

"Don't worry sister, we will get our revenge," James tells me, putting his hand on my shoulder in comfort. "Snow White and David will not get away with their crimes," at this, I smile, shrugging my brother off and look at the cauldron.

"Magika, sie alla," I whisper, making smoke rise from the cauldron which is beginning to do its work. Over the last year, I've learnt a lot of spells, which is like learning a whole new language but it was worth it. I will get my revenge.

Outside the wind picks up and as I look I see the clouds have turned black, a sign the spells working. Rain starts angrily pouring down feeling like shards of glass on my cheek as I take a step onto the balcony. The cold goes right through to my bones making me shiver and suddenly theirs a faint sound of a baby's cries, beginning to get louder, although not as loud as the storm outside.

Walking back inside, I head to my daughter's room, once stepping inside finding James comforting her. Standing in the doorway I just watch as the scene plays out without him knowing I'm there.

"The storms good love, it means your mummy and I are another step closer to our revenge," he tells my little Alice, who looks in my direction with those bright blue, sea like eyes.

Killian's eyes.

I remember looking into her eyes for the first time, seeing her father's eyes staring right back at me. At that moment I knew what her name was.

Hope Alice Swan.

Hope because that's what she was supposed to be for Killian and me I. Hope for a new future, a better life. Alice, her middle name, after Killian's mother, to honour him. If she was a boy I would have named her Killian but as she was a girl I thought that was only fitting. Her last name is Swan because that's the last name I've adopted, what Killian used to call me.

"Hey there Swan,"

I can still remember him saying that, with his voice, his accent. I still remember when he decided to call me that, then the kiss after.

Such love, such passion. God, I loved that man, and still do.

"Emma!" James smiles, walking over to me and placing my daughter in my arms. Hope immediately starts making cute baby noises, making a smile appear on my face.

"Hey there little one," I coo, tickling that little stomach of hers making a giggle escape her lips. The little giggle melts my heart, I have to say, this time two years ago, I never thought I'd be here.

With Killian dead.
With hate for my parents.
With a twin brother, who hates them as much as I.
With a two-month-old daughter.

This time two years ago I was leading a simple life. Okay yes, my magic and Killian were a bit complicated but for the most part, it was good, it was calm. Now, look at me, two years later, with a baby, with hate in my heart and with a brother. With Killian dead. Each time I think about Killian my hate for my parents grows.

"Someone's happy to see you," James grins, kissing Hopes head before heading to the door. "I'm going to check on the spell," he tells me, making me put down my babe, who has now fallen asleep, in her crib.

"Yes, and I'll go check on our prisoner,"

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