Chapter 34 (Snow)

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Sorry I haven't put the rest of the journey in, I think it would have been a bore to read and for me to write. I've wrote chapters like that in FL but to read basically the same thing would be boring, you get the idea how they got their. Anyway I hope you enjoy I think this is going to be a slightly longer chapter than usual for this book.

The same salty smell reaches my nose as we near the sea front. The same trees that dance in the wind and the same mud trail leading down to the docks, everything's the same. It's almost as if we never...

"There they are!" A scream comes from behind us.

We knew we'd get some sort of uprising against us here so that's why we wear cloaks to protect ourselves and to hide our identities. But of course today is extremely windy causing David's hood to blow off.

"GET 'EM!" another screams and the sound of swords being drawn from sheaths (Sorry if that's spelt wrong) makes me take hold of my husbands hand and run. However there's not much place for us to run because eventually we'll either pass a pirate ship or we'll run out of dock and go into the water. Personally I'm hoping for the water, at least we'd have a chance of survival their, especially if Ariel happened to be around these parts at the moment, (optimistic of me I know. It's very unlikely that will happen) because I know pirates, their ruthless. Especially if we end up with the wrong ones.

"Snow jump!" I hear David whisper but loud enough so I can hear it, we've run out of dock and infront of us is a pirate ship. A huge thing, it's blue, brown and yellow wood showing proudly informs of us and it takes me a few seconds to remember.

This was his ship. Captain Hooks.

This is the Jolly Roger.

I look at it, gulping down the lump in my throat as I relive the moment he died, the moment we killed him. In the split second after the stool was removed and watching him hang, watching him say goodbye and declare his love for Emma. In that moment I knew we had made a huge mistake. But I didn't stop it, I let him die and because of that I lost my daughter.

Then something hits me harshly around the head, pulling me out of my thoughts but also knocking me out.

My visions blurry has I begin to come to. I'm aware of angry shouts but that's all really. Deciding to itch my eyes to make my vision clear again I attempt to lift my hands up, but I can't. Turning around I realise they're-

"In a spot of bother there are we?" A droning voice slightly slurs, "Captain Blackbeard by the way, a great fan of your work," I look up at the man, he had a black bushy beard, making me realise how he acquired that nickname, and in his hand he holds a sword. Quickly I duck out the way as he points it at me but then I hear and feel ropes breaking. Again the sound repeats, probably doing to same for my husband, which I see as I look to the side. Like me he's lying on the floor, looking at them with both confusion and hate. "Here," He then says, offering me his hand to help me stand up. Reluctantly I take it, silently debating in my head whether it's a trick or not.

"Why are you helping us when you have just tied us up?" My husband asks, voicing the question I'm wondering. A gleeful smile appears on the fat man's face, one that makes me slightly fearful and want to run away. There's just something about him, something odd, something dangerous. Something that makes you want to run and remain as far away to this man as possible.

"My tactics are my own but I just had to meet the famous king David and Queen Snow," he explains, while I dust myself off.

"Why?" I ask suspiciously, exchanging glances with David and taking a cautious step back.

"Why? What a ridiculous question!" He exclaims, laughing and looking at his crew. It's quite big, and some I recognise from when this was Hooks ship. They look angry but the others I don't recognise are scattered amongst them, looking like they'd applaud at any given moment. However they all do have one thing in common, they're all jeering at us. "For killing my sworn enemy, Captain Hook," He then states, turning to look at us seriously.

Evil Awakened (Dare to love #2) (OUAT fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя