Chapter 10 (William)

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Okay it's honestly so hard to write people being homophobic (especially without killing them) AHH okay this chapter is going to be rubbish because I'm struggling to write people being homophobic.

AHHH I hate homophobic people!

My lips go cold as I quickly pull away from Arthur, my eyes falling upon my parents and the guards. Oh god. They look angry, so angry and there's even a hint of disgust in their faces. Oh god.

"W-What are you doing here?" I ask, stuttering nervously wondering what they are going to say about me and Arthur. However more wondering why there here, they weren't outside my room, I checked...

"You were! What?! You have no right to ask us that! What were you doing?" Father asks, mouth hung open, barely able to form words. Quickly I stand up, walking towards my parents and away from Arthur who has also now stood up but is frozen on the spot.

"What are you doing here?" I repeat, in a tone that tells them I won't awnser there question until they awnser mine.

"Oh my god," mother gasps in disgust, eyes screwed shut, "Oh my god,"

The look of disgust on everyone's faces, even the guards, makes me want to be physically sick. A man and a girl can be together so why can't a girl and a girl or a man and a man? It's not so shocking or sickly is it? If you love someone, you should be with them, no mater who they are.

"Oh shut up," I moan, rolling my eyes and trying to resist the urge to give them a giant telling off because I know it won't end well but I can't help myself. "It isn't so bad. It isn't so shocking. You and father can be together, so why can't me and Arthur?" I ask, rage filling my voice.

"B-because y-your both male!" Mother exclaims, obviously still shocked. "No, it's wrong, it's wrong!"

"NO! YOU'RE WRONG, YOUR OPNION IS WRONG!" I scream, to the shock of everyone in the room, even Arthur. Taking a deep breath I calm myself down, slightly. "The same gender can be together, it ain't grim, it's love. Your opinions, mother, are old and outdated! This isn't wrong, it's not unhealthy,"

"It's against the law!" Father joins in, well he wants it that way does he?

"And for a good reason," mother chimes in, making me feel even more nauseous.

"NO. NO!" I shout again, "THE LAW IS WRONG! IT FORBIDS PEOPLE FROM BEING WITH THE SAME GENDER, BUT WHAT IF THATS WHO THEY ARE?" I ask them, breathing heavily, the next part I say in a whisper, not because I'm ashamed or scared. Because I know I'm right, it's time to stop lying to myself. I think I've known for some time now, I just ignored the voice inside of me, telling me I love Arthur, telling me I'll never love another soul. "What if it's who I am?"

There faces drop again, looking at me questioningly. Oh come on, you walked in on me kissing Arthur, I'm your son for goodness sake, have they not figured it out?

"I'm gay, mother, and I'm not scared to say it, I'm gay, father, and I'm in love with Arthur," I exclaim and it's strange but as soon as I say it... I feel free... as if a huge weight as lifted off my shoulders, a weight I had no idea was there.

"No your not William, that's outlawed," Father says, glancing to where Arthur still stands behind me, looking scared.

"And who are you to tell me who I am and what I can do?" I ask, full well knowing he kind of is, being the king and all. "The law is wrong! People should be with whoever they please, without people judging them,"

"The law is there for a reason," mother sighs, looking more upset than angry. "And if we, as royals, don't follow it why would our people?"

"The kingdom is already divided, because of what YOU did to Emma and the secret YOU kept. Do you really want that divide to be any bigger? Because if your not careful, you will lose the kingdom and not just that but you will lose me to. You've already lost 2 children, do you really want to lose another?" I ask, pushing at a spot which I know is sensitive. "Because if you do this, you will lose me and there will be no getting me back. If you do this you will have pushed me well and truly, to far," for a second both of my parents go quiet but then father sighs.

"Lock him up," he whispers so quietly I can barely hear. "Lock the servant up," he repeats louder so the guards can actually hear him.

Obeying orders, the guards approach me so foolishly I draw my sword in an attempt to save Arthur. It's foolish because it's pointless, it won't work and I will not kill or harm my family's men. Also they are grown men, I'm not even an adult yet, I will not win.

"Please," I sigh, looking at mother, "This is the exact same mistake you made with Emma and look where it got you," I look at her with pleading eyes, Surely they aren't dumb enough to make the same mistakes. "Please don't do this. You cannot keep repeating the same mistakes. This all began with you telling a secret, then Neal took after you and spilled Emma's leading you to lock up her love. Then you are about to lock up mine. If you make this mistake you will lose the kingdom, you will lose everything you have worked so hard to build. But most importantly, you will lose me. Is that really what you want? To lose another child? Because as I said, there will be no getting me back," For a moment as my words sink in, it looks like there about to listen to me but then they shake their heads.

"Lock him up," they repeat, making me drop my sword in shock and allowing the guards past. Stepping forwards I turn around and will the tears away that fill my eyes. Arthur to is crying, yelling, and really, really, not helping his case.

"This is exactly why you're losing your people!" He shouts, "I used to support you, you were my saviours!" He yells as the guards restrain him, beginning to drag him out of the room. "Will, Will-" he's about to say something at me but the doors slammed shut so I can't hear him.

"Why?" I murmur, looking up at my parents, "Why must we not learn from our mistakes? Why do you keep repeating actions that brought you pain, all of us pain. You say you're hero's but this is exactly why Emma isn't here," I tell them, gulping down the lump in my throat, "WHY?" I suddenly yell out of nowhere, "JUST WHY MUST THIS FAMILY KEEP MAKING THE AAME MISTAKES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!? THIS IS EXACTLY WHY EMMA HATES YOU, EXACTLY WHY SHES ALONE AND WHY HER CHILD IS FATHERLESS. YOU. US. WHY CAN'T THIS FAMILY LEARN? WHY DO WE KEEP MAKING THE SAME MISTAKES AND THEN WHY ARE YOU SHOCKED WHEN HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF? I'm sick of it," I finish quietly. I can't get rid of this anger I'm feeling towards them right now and it's really scaring me.

"William," mother sighs, obviously about to make one of her speeches but I cut her off.

"No. No you don't get to talk. If you can't except me for who I am, of you can't live and learn, then get out," I tell them in a loud angry whisper.

"What?" Father asks, surprised. "You do not tell us what to do young man!"

"I don't care," I shake my head. "I really don't, so get out," I repeat, "GET OUT!" And this time I'm so angry they obey my orders and walk out of my chambers, but not before mother popping her head around the door.

"I'm sorry William, I really am,"

I'm beginning to get exactly why Emma ran away, why she lost her battle, why she turned evil.

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