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" Won't you leave now alpha? , " Taehyung asked while taking a look of the time. It's 8 in the morning and that was bothering him cause Jungkook usually leaves for the pack house even before 8.

" Huh? I thought your class is gonna start after 11 or so... Won't it? , " Jungkook asked back. " Yeah it is... but.... It's okay.... You don't need to wait for me to leave with Jimin hyung alpha.... You can go for your works....

I can wait alone like usual you know... , " He replied before letting out a smile. " Huh? Why Jimin now? I thought I'm the one who is gonna take you to the college. Why do you always expect him on everything omega?

Like what? You don't keep any expectations from me or something like that huh? , " Jungkook let out after suddenly getting triggered for no reason. He doesn't know where he did wrong and what caused Jungkook getting mad like this.

" I mean... That's what usually happen- , " " Is he the one who are you married to and your alpha? , " Jungkook asked while deadly glaring at him for again no reason. So he stayed silent not knowing what to say in this point.

" Is. He. YOUR. Alpha? Answer me omega? , " Jungkook asked again aggressively. " But... neither you are alpha. What do you want me to answer? You are just my husband.... Just an alpha whom I got married to because I never had any mate to begin with....

an alpha who always says he can't accept me as his omega.. So when you ask me.... who is my alpha..... I have nothing to answer... Tell me what to say if I don't have any..... I believe you are from my heart.... but I know that means nothing to you...

Morelikely... if I answered it saying you are the one whom I believe is my alpha.... maybe you get mad again... scream and yell at me.... Just like you usually do everytime I try to talk about it seriously... Saying that how much you don't want me... You just used me....

You can't accept me as your omega... It hurts to listen these from you.... You didn't stoppped here ever tho... Did you? You talked about more hurtful things like how much you prefer to mate any other animal... omega... even alpha... but not me... You never... Never cared how I felt...

How you think I'm good for nothing.. how you want me to leave you at any cost and what so ever. , " He replied while cleaning the chopping board... not even daring to look at Jungkook's eyes. He even doesn't know from where this answer came... but was he even wrong?

There was a time where silence is what took over the place.... Not a comfortable one tho... Jungkook wasn't prepared to say anything after what the younger just said... On the other hand there was Taehyung who was freaking out from inside thinking he made Jugkook mad and got him hurt.

All it took is Jungkook saying ONE word and he would be happy. Also worriless. The tension is just too much for both of them... specially him since he blames himself for doing this. But he was kinda happy for himself too... He can't believe he just dared to give Jungkook the taste of his own medicine.

" okay. Good. Be prepared with everything before 10... We have to leave earlier to get there in time. , " Jungkook replied after what felt like years to Taehyung before getting from and walking to upstairs for God knows what reason.

Taehyung wanted to say something... literally anything.... to carry on the conversation and make the situation less awkward.... but the only thing that came out of his scared self's mouth was a hum as " yes" and he watched Jungkook slowly disappearing from he staircase to upstairs.


Taehyung all ready at sharp 9: 40.. Just like Jungkook told him to be... since he didn't wanted Jungkook to get more mad at him anymore. Now he was sitting on the couch... waiting for Jungkook.. who was taking forever to change. Still... He can't complain... cause after all he isn't Jeon Jungkook....


" Let's go. Why did you took so long?! , " Jungkook asked while glaring dead at Taehyung. Taehyung was in complete disbelief... What did he just heard. " No alpha... You are the one who took forever to shower and change.... It's okay... I can understand... People can be late...

But that's doesn't mean you will give your fault straight on me. , " Taehyung fought back in rage. " Stop. What are you talking about? You are the one who took longer to shower... Don't forget I had to go to shower after you. So the actual fault here is yours.

You can't deny it.... Don't even try. , " Jungkook let out before rolling his eyes mockingly..... Taehyung stood there... only stared at Jungkook with shook and " No. this is so unfair " eyes. Suddenly he even forgot how to talk... Jungkook's actions literally got him all speechless...

" Here we go again! Look at you! Now what are you doing omega? Trying to get us there more quickly? Will you now waste your time until we finally be late and you miss your first couple of classes by staring at me like you never saw human? This is not how everything works....

Staring at me won't give you the power to fly away... Or do you actually wanna be there in time huh- , " " Stop talking and let's leave alpha. We will be late... For you. , " Taehyung replied cutting Jungkook off... Who also gave him a shook and " no hun. This is not fair. " look.

" What the- HEY NO WAIT. You can't do that. , " Jungkook let out aggressively after gaining the strength to speack while following Taehyung who was already outside of the house... searching for keys to lock it... while holding Gureum with his other hand.

" I can't do what alpha? If you can accuse me for being late... when you yourself is the one who caused us to be late..... I can accuse you too.... I just said what was needed to be said... , " Taehyung replied while aggressively shutting the door and locking it.

" The key will break like this omega- , " " You will make another then. , " Taehyung said while rolling his eyes before handing Gureum to Jungkook. Who just held the puppy. To confused in processing... what cause Taehyung to snap like this all sudden.

" Take him to pack house... Otherwise he will be all alone at home. We don't have his leash yet too... So PLEASE ALPHA don't " accidentally " put him down anywhere. Not in the street at least. He will get lost. , " Taehyung said while patting the puppy.

" Okay. Can you just stop now? I'm not aging less and you aren't my grandpa.... So stop. Now YOU are getting us late. , " Jungkook said while pointing at Taehyung who just nodded with a sigh as he knew it... that Jungkook won't stop until he let's Jungkook win.

" Okay alpha... You won. , " Taehyung said as he started to walk with Jungkook beside him. " Oh God... I hate everything. Can you hold it for awhile for me? It's so embarrassing. , " Jungkook said aggressively handing Gureum to Taehyung earning a so done glare from him.

" Holding my hands in public is embarrassing to you... Calling me your omega and husband in public is embarrassing to you... Me calling you alpha in public is embarrassing to you.. Me even talking to you in public is embarrassing to you... Now holding a baby like Gureum...

Is embarrassing to you too alpha? What doesn't make you feel embarrassed by the way? And you feel embarrassed by holding him here for now.. Who knows after I go to my college and give him to you.... You won't put him down? , " Taehyung asked while glaring at him with narrowed eyes.

" My existence is basically embarrassing to me omega... and how about that? You have anything to say? Or do? And don't worry I won't let your " baby " run into a car and die... I will HAVE TO hold him that time. As I said. I'm not ageing less and you aren't my grandpa...

So don't even try. Now stop talking. You are embarrassing. , " Jungkook said while rolling his eyes making Taehyung roll his eyes too. " I swear omega.... Just do that once again and I will make sure that this is the last you have your eyes left to do it...

I won't hesitate. , " Jungkook warned. Taehyung now pursed his lips together as he didn't wanted themselves to look embarrassing in public since none of them has control on Jungkook's anger and it can burst out anytime without any warning....

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