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Xing Yun was still in a trance until He encountered the car.

This state does not look good, He Yu asked with some worry: "Did Xia Ke tell you anything?"

"Huh?" Just hearing Xia Ke's name, she shook violently, and because of this, she finally recovered a little, "It's nothing."

"Really?" He doubted. "You don't look right."

"Hmm..." Xing Yun hesitated, "I also feel that something is not right tonight... I am deeply reflecting..."

Seeing that she seemed to be ready to open the chatterbox, He Yu asked very cooperatively: "What's the matter?"

"I don't understand why I asked Xia Ke to take me home just now? It's obviously not a wild country here, and it's not difficult to get a taxi by yourself."

"... Maybe it's just because you got used to his car."

She thought for a while and nodded, "It's also possible."

"It's nothing to entangle, it's just as ordinary as you are used to brushing your teeth every day."

"Hmm..." She was persuaded, "But there is another thing I think I am inexplicable."


"Why do I want to go out and ask Xia Ke for hiding from me? Whatever the reason, even if he really hates me? Since he didn't plan to fire me, he didn't plan to deduct my salary or even pay I don't have to work overtime. This is a good thing! I should be happy. What makes me angry?"

"It's normal to be angry. After all, Xia Ke is not only a boss to you, but also a friend. It's nothing to be hated by your boss, but of course it's sad to be hated by a friend."

"Yes! I think so too, that's why I feel more sick in my brain. Why do I have to confirm it myself? Isn't this looking for abuse?"

...No, it is him who is really looking for abuse!

He understood all the things Xing Yun didn't understand, nothing more than - she was afraid that Yao Qing would take Xia Ke down, she was afraid of being hated by Xia Ke, and she was afraid that Xia Ke would be blamed.

After all, she cares about Xia Ke very much, it is a kind of care that is almost equal to liking.

He selfishly hoped that she would never comprehend these, and even desperately kept giving false guidance...

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have come tonight!" Xing Yun came to the conclusion that if she hadn't come, the series of inexplicable behaviors just now would not have happened.

He Yu's thoughts were interrupted, he pursed his lips and swept his eyes away, "Didn't you come for me?"


"Didn't you say that you will give me an answer after considering it for a week at the most? I thought you had already considered it, so you came to tell me the answer specially."

"..." She actually completely forgot about it!

He could easily guess what she was thinking from Xing Yun's expression, "Or you didn't think about it at all?"

"Who said that! I had been seriously considering it before today!" To be precise, before receiving his call tonight, she was so serious that she lost her mind when she was painting.

"Then..." He paused, and plucked up the courage to ask, "What's the answer?"

"...I...I'm not good at falling in love." She buried her head very low, playing with the corners of her clothes a little embarrassingly.

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