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The original noisy KTV fell into silence because of the appearance of He Yu and Xing Yun...

This kind of silence can be roughly divided into two types-the silence led by Director Qian, who was shocked by He Yu with a woman to this occasion, was so speechless, expressed by the people of Jiawo; led by Xia Ke, Xing Yun, who was so scared to be speechless by Xing Yun who shouldn't be here, was performed by people from their company.

That's right! People from their company! Everyone! Except for her!

Amidst an awkward silence came Xu Yiyi's call of nonchalant greeting...

"Oh, Xing Yun, are you here? Come on, sit here." She said she squeezed away another colleague next to her, helping Xing Yun to make room.

This development made Xing Yun a little unexpected. She thought Xu Yiyi and Xia Ke should feel the guilty conscience the most.

Such an organized and well-documented group of betrayals is almost always Xia Ke's masterpiece. How much would it be embarrassing to be pierced by her head-on? But he only showed a hint of surprise at the moment he saw her, just astonishment, no emotions such as guilt, and soon returned to normal.

As for Xu Yiyi, although they are still in the cold war, as her best friend, they lie to her with Xia Ke. It should be a little guilty!

No! Not at all!

But I have to admit that Xu Yiyi's behavior has helped her out well, so that her appearance will not be so abrupt, and the colleagues of He Yu also looked away with disappointed expressions.

She had no choice but to walk straight towards Xu Yiyi.

As soon as he took the seat, Xu Yiyi eagerly leaned forward, whispering in a voice that only each other could hear, "What's the matter? Why are you here? What happened to you?"

"...I just wanted to ask you what's the matter!" She couldn't help but yelled, and the roar caused a lot of glances. She glared at Yiyi next to her complainingly, "Are you willing to talk to me?" Isn't it the Cold War?"

"Oh, it's no longer a fight. If we concealed it from each other once, it's a tie."

"What is one person at a time? So you really are joining hands to squeeze me out?" Although the scene before me can basically explain everything, after getting confirmation from one of the parties, Xing Yun still feels unacceptable.

"What kind of exclusion is it? How ugly." Xu Yiyi glanced at her helplessly, "Xia Ke won't let you talk, who dares to talk too much?"

"..." It really was Xia Ke! What did she do wrong? Can't you just say it? !

"It's strange, isn't it? We also find it strange. At first I thought he didn't want you to see He Yu..."

Xing Yun frowned and interrupted her, "Why don't you want me to see He Yu?"

"...Just take it as I didn't say it, this is not the point." Xu Yiyi has almost despaired of her EQ, not to mention that there is something more important than getting through her two lines of Ren Du, "The point is, After I came, I found out that he probably didn't want you to see that woman!" Her tone was very excited. In order to share this gossip, she even ended the Cold War.

"Which woman?" Xing Yun looked confused.

"It's the one sitting next to him." Xu Yiyi secretly swallowed in the direction of Xia Ke.

When she said this, Xing Yun noticed that there was indeed a woman sitting beside Xia Ke, who should be Jiawo's, she had never seen it before. The other party is dressed in a very standard workplace dress, a black shirt and white pants, neat and tidy, turning his cheek slightly to talk to Xia Ke, the long silk-like hair slips down from the shoulder, and Xing Yun seems to be able to do it from a distance. Smell the fragrance in the hair...

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