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It's not the first time Xing Yun has come to Xia Ke's house. He was often arrested before and locked up in a small black room to rush to paint.

It's like a second company here. All her uncomfortableness disappeared the moment she stepped into the door, and she always felt that she would be locked into the study to stay up all night in the next second.

So, as before, she took off her shoes and ran to the kitchen habitually...

"What are you doing?" Xia Ke's question came from behind.

The dissatisfaction in his tone made Xing Yun shook slightly, "Making coffee..."

"What kind of coffee are you drinking so late."

"Yes." She scratched her head, "I almost forgot that today was purely to sleep."

"...You really don't think of me as a man at all." Is there such a thing as sleeping alone?


"Forget it, nothing..." He stretched out his hand and helped Xing Yun walk to the sofa, "Sit still."

"Oh." She nodded nerdy, staring at Xia Ke for a while to go to the study and then to the kitchen.

After tossing for a while, he walked back to the sofa again and handed her the cup in his hand, "Drink some hot milk first."

"Thank you..." She reached out to take it, and looked at the cup in her hand somewhat unexpectedly.

"What's wrong? Isn't this your cup? Don't worry, I haven't used it."

"No, I just feel very kind, and it feels like I'm back to my own home."


"Manager Xia?"


"Manager Xia?!"

"Huh?" He recovered.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay." It's just that my heart seemed to be throbbing slightly just now, mostly an illusion. He curled his lips and didn't take it too seriously. He bent over and opened the medicine cabinet and searched for safflower oil, "Give me your feet."

"Huh?" Xing Yun couldn't react for a while, and it took a while to understand what he meant. Instead of daring to stretch out his foot, he shrank back and forth into the sofa, "No...no, I'll do it myself..."

"Stop talking nonsense." He simply forcibly pulled her feet to his knees, "My ex-girlfriend is a free-strike coach, and I am definitely more experienced than you in dealing with this kind of injury."

"Do you often help her deal with it?"

"I often help myself to deal with it."


"Besides, I don't want you to have the opportunity to take sick leave."

Hearing that, Xing Yun suddenly felt embarrassed to trouble him too much. He was simply sick. To be polite with such a wicked capitalist is to treat himself!

"Please!" She lay down comfortably on the sofa, posing a pose ready to enjoy.

It's just a gesture. In fact, she intends to deliberately find something wrong, saying that she is experienced in dealing with this kind of injury, and it doesn't matter if she has more experience in love, even if she has to win this aspect! Can't help but want to slap him in the face!


As he said, really experienced!

Skillful! The strength is just right! Slender fingertips rubbed her ankle skillfully. It should be pinching a particular acupuncture point. Not only did it relieve the pain, but it also gave her a tingling sensation like an electric shock, which made her groan uncontrollably." Ok......"

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