"Come in," he said after a few minutes. I slowly opened the door while pushing it with my shoulder so the coffee mug won't spill on the tray. He was still busy with some papers as I walked more in it. 

"Sir coffee," I said as I kept the mug on his desk and turned to get out of the office so I could do my remaining work. 

"Did I ask you to leave the room?" came his firm voice which made me stop in my path and take my step back. The command in his voice made a shiver run to my spine. 

As I told you before, never any man has ever made me feel small just by his voice. 

I slowly turned to look at him as he was still looking at some papers. He was still reading them. I waited patiently for him to keep them aside but he took his time to flip and read the papers. I waited and waited patiently as he extended his hand to get the mug. Thank god he will drink it and let me go to do my remaining work. He just clasped the mug and then lifted his eyelids to look at me with his expressionless grey eyes. 

"It's cold. Make it again," he said while looking straight into my eyes with an evil smirk playing on the corner of my lips. 

What the! It was hot a few minutes ago. 

He should have drunk it then. 

I wanted to tell him this but I knew arguing with him would only put me in tight sport. 

"I will make it again," I said in my dry voice and took the mug to make another one. This time I was back with hot coffee a few minutes early as this time I knew where the coffee maker was. 

"Sir your coffee," I said, keeping the steaming mug in front of him. He looked at me and I flashed him my tight lip smile even though inside I was hell nervous as his grey eyes were looking at me with the look in them. He kept the papers aside and took the mug this time. Thank God this time he didn't wait until it got cold. I waited for him to dismiss me but instead of taking sips he just smelled it like a chef he is while looking at me. 

"It's not strong enough. Go make this time strong one," he said while now moving the mug away from his nose. I gaped at him with wide irritated eyes. He smirked looking at my face making me curl my fingers around the tray I was holding. Sage be calm breath in breath out. I repeated it in my mind and took the mug back to the kitchen. I spilled the contents in the sink. 

"It's not strong enough. Go make this time a strong one my foot" I mimicked his voice in irritation. 

"That jerk is purposely doing it to irritate me so I should quit today itself. Now I know why not every intern doesn't make it to his kitchen. He thinks by playing this stupid game he can make me quit then he doesn't know with whom he is dealing with" I mumbled in anger as I was making coffee for the third time. 

"He wants strong then I will make this a strong coffee so he won't be able to sleep for straight three days," I whispered while putting three times more coffee than needed. I smirked evilly as I stirred it. After I was done I took it to his office. I again opened the door in the same way. 

"Sir your coffee it's hot and strong too," I said in my firm voice with a tight smile plastered to my face while keeping the coffee in front of him. He looked at me and at the mug then back at my tight smile. I was waiting for him to drink it and go into insomnia for three days straight. He moved his hand to take a mug as I eagerly looked at his hand movement. But instead of taking the mug, he took the documents lying beside it. 

"Now I don't feel like drinking it, you can take it back and get to work," he said in his dominating voice while looking at the documents in his hands. I gasped at his words. He just made me make coffee for him three freaking times and now he doesn't want to drink it anymore. 

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