• looking back •

Start from the beginning

The alcohol in your system allows you to let loose, and not worry so much about opening up to your ex husband. "You really wanna know?"

Anakin budges closer to you, his eyes wide with delight. "Spare no details, bun."

You turn on your stool so your knees are pressed to his thigh, your eyes meeting his. "I said your name."

He almost chokes on air. With an incredulous laugh, he can't help but grin widely at your revelation. "Damn. I'm that good in bed, you're still thinking of me 13 years later?" He'd never admit that he still thinks of you, too.

A long sigh leaves your mouth. "Not during sex."

His cocky, gleeful facial expression is replaced with confusion. "Then when?"

You rest your elbow on the bar and your head on your palm, keeping your eyes trained on him. "He took me for a ride in his ship."

Anakin's lips parted, and you knew what he was thinking of because you were thinking the same thing. You were thinking of all the times Anakin would race you around the skies before you got married, while you called out his name with joy and sometimes fear. He would try and impress you with his piloting skills, and you'd hide how in love with him you were while screaming for your life.

"I don't know why I told you that," You mutter.

"Naboo was my favorite," He says cryptically, making your eyes narrow.

"What do you mean?" You ask him, spinning yourself back around to face the front again.

"When I took you to see Naboo," Anakin goes on to say. "You told me during dinner that you had never been, and we were eating breakfast on Shaak Ridge the next morning."

Your heart warms at the memory. "Longest second date ever."

He laughs, and you almost cry at how beautiful it sounds. "I miss flying with you. My ship doesn't feel the same without you in the passenger seat."

"You can't do that," You whisper, your bottom lip trembling. "You can't just say things like that."

"But I mean it," Anakin insists earnestly. "There has never been another you for me, bunny. Nobody even comes close."

"And what am I supposed to do with that?" You ask with a pained look. "How do I sleep tonight after you've just said that to me?"

"I don't know," He mutters. "I haven't been sleeping properly because I can't stop thinking about it."

"Thinking about what?" You press, though you aren't sure if it's entirely a good idea to find out.

"Us," He answers, placing his hand on your shoulder and rubbing it comfortingly. "How easy it would be to fall back into that bliss."

"You shouldn't touch me," You warn lowly. "Everyone can see us."

"So, what?" Anakin asks with a frown. "When has anything they've thought about us ever been a factor? You married me even when your mom begged you not to. We left each other even when we knew they'd judge us for it."

"And now what?" You ask with clenched fists. "Now you want to spend the night together and not care that they'll all call me pathetic for it?"

"I'm not just talking about tonight," He says, wrapping his arm around you. "I miss you. I've been missing you all this time."

"That's the whiskey talking," You say dryly, keeping your face blank.

"No it isn't, bunny," He affirms. "It's me. Your Anakin. Your fluffy."

"Stop," You whisper, closing your eyes. "We've done this before. We've made promises before. We know how this ends."

"We know how it ended once," He corrects you, standing up from his stool. "And I know that I'd spend every cold night on the couch if it meant having the warm days with you."

"I don't want cold couch nights," You cry. "I just want... I want Naboo again. I want Batuu."

Anakin cups your face, forcing you to look up at him. "I'll give you Naboo. I'll give you Batuu. Just please, let me have you again."

You swallow thickly, your heart racing.

"I need my bunny," He says, a tear falling from his eye and sliding down his soft cheek. "I can't go another day without you, baby."

"We spent 13 years apart," You mumble.

"And it was pure torture," Anakin finishes. "I never want to feel like that again. I won't let you down. Not this time."

"Anakin," You breathe out, terrified.

"Looking back, you were the one who brought the light back into my life when I thought the darkness was permanent," He tells you, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. "Looking back, you brought me endless happiness. You gave me our daughter; you gave me purpose and strength. Looking back, it has always been you. And I refuse to let you go again."

"I never stopped loving you," You tell him. "How will we know we're doing it right this time?"

"Because this time around, we won't be married," He says with a soft chuckle. "This time around, there's no pressure to be perfect. All I want to do is love you, and that's all I'll do. Because I do love you, bun, more than words could express."

"Anakin?" You begin, to which he nods, prompting you to continue. "Kiss me."

He's taken aback by your request, well aware that your family and everyone you know are only a few feet away. But how could he ever refuse his bunny?

Dallo and Elara are still slow dancing, her head resting on his chest, a content smile on her lips. "I'm so happy we found our ones," She tells him, using the line he said to her about her being his 'one', and him being her 'one'.

About to reply, Dallo is instead distracted by the view that everyone else is also staring at. "Uh, honey?"

"Yes, Dal?" Elara asks, blissfully unaware.

"Your parents are making out," He says with a frown, unable to peel his eyes away.

"With who?" She questions, still floating on sunshine.

"Um..." Dallo winces before answering her. "Each other...?"

She pulls away from him immediately with a gasp, and looks over at the bar where she saw her parents speaking earlier. She was surprised then, but now?

"What the fuck?" She rages, her eyes wide. "What the actual fuck?"

"Hey, it's okay," Dallo soothes her, rubbing her back.

"No!" She exclaims. After everything; the court dates, daily arguments, and only seeing her mother on weekends and birthdays, it was all for them to just get back together again?

"Look at me," Dallo says, holding her face and making her look up at him. "I know it may feel weird, but you need to remember that their relationship is not about you."

She looks insulted at his words, but he continues speaking before she can argue with him.

"Just like we did, they found their ones," He explains tenderly, his eyes soft. "They lost each other along the way, and that was nothing to do with you, either. And now, they've found each other again."

Elara frowned up at him, pursing her lips.

"She's his one," Dallo whispers. "And he's her one."

"I love you, fluffy," You tell Anakin once you pull away from the kiss, and it feels just as good as it did all those years ago.

Anakin smiles down at you, with all the enamor and awe in the galaxy. "And I love you, bunny."

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now