Chapter 49: Kill the Demons

Start from the beginning

Following the meeting it is decided that the Jaegers will protect Bolic, while the Rakshasa Demons go out to hunt down Night Raid. As they walk back to their quarters Wave notices that Kurome is sweating and does not appear to be alright. He follows her to her room.

Wave: "Hey Kurome you are not feeling better at all are you?"

Kurome: "I am fine Wave. I just need to get a little more rest and I will be back to my old self."
Wave: "I think you should sit the mission out. I will go tell the Captain."

Kurome grabs Wave and then leans into him, having a hard time standing.

Kurome: "Please don't tell the Captain. In my old squad if someone is no longer of use they are just killed off so they cannot talk. If I get kicked out of the Jaegers then my life is as good as over. I will get killed when I get back to my squad."

Wave: "The Captain would not let that happen. I am sure if you told her she would protect you."

Kurome: "No, Wave no one can help me with this. I really am alright. I just need a little rest."

Wave: "Alright I will try to pick up the slack where you may be struggling."

Meanwhile Night Raid is making their way to Kyoroch as well. While learning about Lubbock's death hit everyone hard, especially Najenda, they all move forward with the mission. They know that the only hope of saving the people in the Empire from the current corruption depends on the revolution succeeding. They don't have time to grieve right now, so they move on.

As a result of Chelsea's injuries and lack of Teigu Najenda wants her to stay in the base once they arrive in Kyoroch. Chelsea argues with Najenda until she finally allows her to go out on a mission to scout out the city with Tatsumi. The two of them are supposed to look around the outskirts of Kyoroch while Akame and (F/N) each have gone to meet with informants.

While Chelsea and Tatsumi are out looking, Tatsumi buys some ice cream for both of them. Chelsea really enjoys the ice cream. Both of them are stunned to see how well Kyoroch is faring economically.

Chelsea: "The religion is big bucks. A good chunk of the money that they are making is going to line the minister's pockets though. They probably donate a lot of the money to the church. Then Bolic takes it and gives it to the minister."

Tatsumi: "At least the people appear happy though. I was expecting them to be even worse off then they are. Now all we need to do is go and check out the outskirts of town, then report back on the scouting mission. I hope that (F/N) and Akame are doing well."

Chelsea: "I am sure they are fine. They are the two strongest members of the team."

Tatsumi: "I guess you are right."

(F/N) has been tasked with meeting with a spy near the cathedral in Kyoroch. He has his cloak on and is walking towards the meeting place when he feels the presence of two strong individuals. As he continues to walk, he notices that they are following him. (F/N) decides to lead them off track and then deal with them. From what (F/N) can tell the two people that are following him don't seem to realize that he knows they are there.

Once (F/N) has reached an abandoned alley he notices that one of the people is getting close to him at a fast speed. (F/N) waits for the man to be about to strike him. He ducks the man's fist as the man tries to punch him. (F/N) then sweeps his right leg at the man, and knocks the attacking man's legs out from under him. The man falls to the ground and tumbles a short distance away.

Immediately following (F/N) knocking the first person to the ground a girl comes running up. (F/N) can tell that it is Mez, as she looks very similar to how she did years ago.

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