Chapter 45: Identity Out

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Peter's Pov:
When we set foot in the school, everyone started to question us and took pictures. They know now I'm Spider-Man, and it's really annoying. How do people deal with all this publicity? Me and Y/n walked over to our lockers, when Brad approached us.

"Hey guys, how are you doing?" He asked, being, well, Brad. I

wanted to make a comment, but Y/n gave me a 'let me handle this' look, while she turned around with a fake smile.

"Well, we were doing great, that was until you came along. So please, do us all a favor and tell us what you want, so I can reject you and live on with my life."

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out with me, I mean, you're hot and I'm hot. It's a match made in heaven." Brad answered.

"Dude, you're so out of line. Y/n and I are dating, so back off." I said, with a lack of confidence.

Brad started to walk closer to Y/n, but she grabbed his hand and turned it to his back.

"Say that one more time and I will do something much worse than this. Understood?"

"Ouch ouch ouch, yeah, got it." he said.

"Come on, we're going to be late for PE. Bye Brad, was nice to catch up!" Y/n said, and grabbed me by my phone.

And then she dragged me to the gym.

Your Pov:
Been there, done that. The story of my life at this point when it comes to annoying guys. PE wasn't any better, especially now since Peter's identity was out. He used to be this cute nerdy guy, but now everyone is interested in him.

Take Liz for an example, she drools all over him. Of course that gives me the reason to yell her and maybe even slap her, but it gets annoying.

I started running laps to warm up, when I saw she walked over to him. Too close for my liking, so I ran over to them.

"Hey Pete, you done with running? Oh, hello Liz, didn't see you there." I said, with a smile.

"Oh, hey Y/n, didn't know you were still here. I was just talking to Peter about how sad it was that you guys broke up, guess it just wasn't meant to be." She said, but her smile faded away.

"For the last time, we are dating! Why does no one get that?" Peter said, taking my hand.

"Guess you should back off, Liz. I mean, you make it way too obvious that you're only interested in him because he's Spider-Man. It's pathetic, it really is." I said, holding tight onto Peter's hand, afraid I wouldn't be able to control myself if I didn't.

Natasha's Pov:
We had landed in Wakanda, and king T'Challa and his sister Shuri were waiting for us on the airport.

"Steve, Natasha, welcome in Wakanda." T'Challa said.

We shaked hands, and then they brought us to the palace. Steve and T'Challa started talking, so Shuri took the oppertunity to talk to me.

"I assume Steve has told you about the program we have created?"

"Yes, he did, and I can't thank you enough. This has always been a dream of mine, so thank you for making it come through." I said.

"No problem, we are glad to help. I do have one request, if that's okay" Shuri said, a smile came on her face.

"Of course, ask me anything."

"Can you take me to America when you go back? I always wanted to go there, but my brother said I it wasn't safe enough."

"Of course we can. I think you and Y/n would be good friends, you're both genius masterminds." I said, giving her a smile.

And then she hugged me, which was so sweet.

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