#21 * The Skatergirl

Start from the beginning

Naturally that did not work out as planned. Our teacher just had to pair us up. It's like it was a bad plot to some cheesy story.

"You free after school?" Nike whispered to me.

At first I was surprised she'd even talk to me. Then I got my sh*t together and actually replied.

"Urm. Yeah. I think so."

"Cool. Think we can get the project done in one afternoon?" She continued.

"Maybe. Not sure. Might take two if we want to do it properly." I say, going over the assignment in my head.

"Can you put a grade on it?"

"One afternoon? Probably a B. Two afternoons? A+."

"Really? You can get us an A+?" Nike said, almost too excited.

"Uh... We can get us an A+. But yeah, if we take our time for it."

Nike nodded at me.

"Parkinglot after school?" She asked.

"Uh yeah. Sure." I reply.

Did I just arrange for my crush to make an assignment with me? This afternoon? And another afternoon? And I'd totally have her for myself that afternoon?

The bell rung and interrupted my thoughts. Before I knew it Nike bolted out the door, skateboard already in her hand.

I met up with Hestia and Artemis again. We passed our lockers and went outside to the parkinglot. I saw Nike and some other skaters do a couple tricks there. The usual.

"Athena!" Artemis poked my side.

"What?" I ask, annoyed that she interrupted my gawking.

"And then you wonder why I make fun of her. She makes it too damn easy." Artemis turned to Hestia, shaking her head.

The latter couldn't resist a chuckle and shook her head.

"Even I have to admit she's right." Hestia winked at me.

"You're both unbearable." Artemis sighed, putting on her helmet.

"We try." I smirk as Hestia and I share a look.

"We'll see you on Monday okay?" Hestia says, giving me a hug.

"Preferably. Now that I know you can actually make it on time please do so on Monday?" I chuckle.

"Damnit she's already getting used to it." Artemis shook her head.

I will bet you 20 dollars she's rolling her eyes behind those blue tinted goggles of hers. A couple of minutes later both of them ride off.

Before I can even think of turning around and driving home myself Nike calls me over. Yes you heard me correctly. Nike, the most adored person in the entire school and my long time crush, called me over.

So I did what everyone would've done in my position. Have a huge wave of anxiety wash over me and forgetting that people are expecting me to come over so I completely make a fool out of myself because I don't react to a dozen of waves.

When I finally regain control over my body I somehow find the courage to walk over to Nike and her friends.

"Hi." She smirks.


I think my mind just exploded. That was litterly the hottest thing I've ever seen... Please, do it again.

"Guys. This is Athena. She's in my biology class."

OMG YES!!! SHE SMIRKED AGAIN!!! Okay focus Athena. Losing yourself here for a moment. I clear my troath and give a slight nod, not really capable of words at the moment.

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