Chapter 46 - Game night

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My mom and I sat there in awkward silence, the only noise coming from the static radio and the engine, we really need to get it checked out. It was the night of the Championships game, and after finding out that Jackson was at last week's practice, which I forgot to tell Scott about, he decided to play after all.

I asked him how he found out and he told me Isaac divulged the information, I completely forgot Isaac was there at last week's practice, I think it just slipped my mind completely. Anyway, Scott thinks that Gerard is gonna use Jackson tonight at the game and that something big is gonna happen. Something that we need to stop on the field. Together. 

We pulled into the car park and as soon as the ignition was off, I pulled at my door, but my mom's hand reached over and grabbed my shoulder, stopping me completely. I faced her, my eyes widening as she looked up from the steering wheel and peered across at me. She hasn't looked at me since that night, and she finally has. 

"Be careful," she pleaded, gripping onto my shoulder maternally and making sure that nothing bad could happen to me. My eyes had glassed over at the fact my mom was back to talking to me, the corners of my lips lifted into a smile and I nodded.

"I will, I promise," she smiled back, her face softening. Her arms then wrapped around me and I fell into her embrace. I felt relieved that we could eventually get past this. 

"I love you too baby. And I'm sorry I didn't say it back," I tried not cry as she referenced to last week where I fell apart at her bedroom door, telling her that I loved her and that I needed her. She was finally giving me an answer and it was a huge relief to have my mom back. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered, because I didn't wanna be in this situation either, let alone drag her into this. I'd give anything for Scott to not have gone out with Stiles that night in Winter looking for Laura's dead body. If he hadn't of gone, Peter would never have bitten him, he would never have turned into a werewolf and I would never have been brought into that mess. 

But I was, and I have to deal with it, and as much as sometimes I hate it, I love it and I owe that to Peter I guess. I mean I love every part of being a werewolf, except obviously the tormentful full moons, the hunters out to get us, the Kanimas and the god knows how many other supernatural creatures that are out there coming for us. By the amount of pages that Lexie was able to translate in the Bestiary, I'm guessing quite a lot. 


I slipped into the boy's locker room, my mom trailing behind. She was looking for Scott, to talk to him about what she had already talked about with me. That she was trying to get used to whatever was about to happen. 

I was already dressed in my jersey, a different number this time, my own number since last time I was just borrowing it off one of the injured players. And by the way, it stunk, so I decided to get my own. Number 30.

Usually, I shouldn't be in the guy's locker room, because I get dressed in the girl's and it's normally empty. But, since I'm already dressed and the fact that someone mentioned Coach was doing a speech just before we go out there, I ventured in. 

There was already a crowd formed, so I approached Stiles and stood beside him, he gave me a faint smile before we looked over at coach who was prepared to jump into a huge dramatic speech about Lacrosse. "Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will be joining others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind." 

"What?" my mom whispered behind me as she looked side to side to see all the boys in the room fixed on what Coach was saying. 

"Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today."

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