Chapter 1 - It's the start of something new

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"I thought you were giving me a ride,"

"When did I ever agree to that?" I stood there on my porch hopeless, there was no way I was getting to school on time now.

"Lydia, please." I practically begged as I rushed down our front steps and headed to her car. She stood there with the door open and one leg in the driver's side.

"Desperation is an ugly quality," she identified as she gave me a fake smile and then slammed her car door shut. I watched her pull out of the driveway, this was typical Lydia. And the School bus had already been and gone. There was only one way I was getting to school, my bike. 

My dad gifted it to me for my 12th birthday but I stopped using it a long time ago, so it's been rusting away behind the lawnmower in the garage ever since. My parents were divorced so it wasn't like any of us actually went in there, but it was either walk or bike and I preferred the latter. Hurriedly, I yanked the bike out of its hiding place amongst the cobwebs and ran out of there before any bugs could even think about touching me. 

The funny thing was, I could've hitched a ride with my mom, since she had left earlier, but I was adamant that Lydia was giving me a ride, I should've known.

I barely made it on time, having to quickly lock up my bike at the front of school and then having to stop off at my locker took too much time. When I finally arrived to English, I was less than a minute late, but it didn't stop the teacher from giving me a displeased look. I made my way to the one of the two empty seats scattered across the classroom. I sat in front of Stiles, and beside Scott, two best friends who I knew were constantly going to turn around and talk to each other at every chance they got, which was why I immediately regretted the seat I took. 

Well, it was here or behind Scott and beside Stiles, which wasn't any better, and besides, sitting behind Scott was the last thing I wanted for the rest of Sophomore year, he was beginning to stink, it was definitely puberty finally kicking in. His twin sister - Sabrina - sat in front of me, her back so hunched over that you could easily see the board without having to crane your neck. We were acquainted, but I didn't know her that well. 

"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night. And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester." our teacher explained, and rather than paying attention to the syllabus before me, I focused on the dead body the police had discovered. 

Two halves of a woman, definitely very gruesome, but it was interesting. I have always been invested in murders and crimes and trying to solve them.

"Class," the vice-principal strolled in, a tall, brunette girl by his side, "this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." Allison vacated the only empty seat, one that was behind Scott. As she searched her bag for something, the puberty-stricken boy turned around and handed her a pen, as if he knew all along she had been missing it.

"Thanks." she smiled, ultimately surprised by his somewhat psychic abilities.

"We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis, on page 133." Just as I was trying to figure out how Scott knew, it was time to put my head down and read.

After class, I headed to my locker, where Scott, Stiles and Harley - a girl from my history - stood as they watched my sister approach Allison aka the 'new girl' from afar. "Scott, can you move?" 

When there was no response, I cleared my throat, "Scott, can you please peel your sweaty body off my locker?" I know it was impolite, but I did ask nicely beforehand. As he ignored me for the second time I realised he was watching the exchange across from us, mesmerized by Allison.

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