Chapter 15 - Adapting to a different life

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"Do you they know if Derek's alive?" I asked Lexie as we trudged through the woods, specifically the reserve where Derek's house is located. 

"No, and I don't think it's a good idea that we're here. I mean there are probably cops swarming his house," I turned to Lexie in desperation, my eyes were pleading with her. I was a new werewolf, a new beta, and there was gonna be a full moon soon. I couldn't do it alone. 

"Lexie, I need his help. And for that, I need him to be alive," 

"Okay, we'll find him. But in the meantime, we have to lock you up on the full moon. Scott didn't, and look what happened to him." Lexie reminded me. I really didn't want to lose control like that, but I knew it was gonna happen. 

"What you're just gonna lock me in my room?" I commented, obviously slightly joking, knowing it most definitely won't hold me. 

"No, I have a plan. Just trust me." And I did, she had all the answers and I believed everything she told me. It didn't mean she was an expert though, and at some point, I'd need an Alpha, or a fellow werewolf to help me. 

As we approached Derek's house, Lexie was right, cop cars circled his house, and there were dozens of them, swarming the inside and outside. If he wasn't here, what the hell were they looking for? 

"Can you hear what they're saying?" I relaxed my head and focused my eyes on two cops standing beside a cop car, the words all kind of rolled into one, but slowly I was able to make out what they were saying, this was so cool. 

"They found a body, or a few bodies. Nearby, they think Derek did it," I revealed as we stood behind a tree, watching this whole commotion from afar. All this for a guy who didn't even do anything. I mean sure he's sketchy and he definitely has some blood on his hands, you can tell. Doesn't mean he should be blamed for all these murders. 

"Let's go out of here." 


The weekend passed by in a flash and I spent most of it getting used to my very heightened senses, Lexie took me out to the woods on Saturday and taught me some of her moves. It still baffles me that she does martial arts, she is not the person I would've suspected to take someone down. So at least now I know how to kick and punch properly, good thing she brought pads because if I ended up punching her hands, I might've broken it.

I still haven't been able to extend my claws or my teeth. I'm guessing it's something that you have to get angry enough to do. Scott wasn't able to do that till his first full moon and even after that, it was a struggle. I mean even now he's struggling to control it and I think I'm gonna be able to master it in a few days, I'm way over my head. 

I may not have an alarm, but it looks like I didn't need one, because I jerked awake by the really loud beeping sound. After I clutched my hands to my ears, I waited for it to stop, I finally realised it was coming from Scott's room. Great. It wasn't till mom went in and turned it off did the ringing stop, and even then, the remnants of the sound echoed in my ear. This was gonna be difficult. 

After getting dressed and heading downstairs, I usually skip breakfast and head straight for the front door, Stiles and Scott normally waiting for me in the front of his Jeep. This time, I was up early, I was changed a lot faster than usual, and mom was only half way through making breakfast. My whole morning routine had sped up, awesome, now I have time for breakfast. 

As I sat down at the dining table with a beaming smile on my face - directed at my mom - I couldn't quite get over the fact that tonight was the full moon and I was nowhere near ready to freak out. Lexie said she had everything under control, everything but me. The full moon may be at night, but I remember seeing Scott freak out during the day as well. I have a huge test today, if I can't even get through that, then I don't know what I'm gonna do.

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