Chapter 42 - Resurrection

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The party was now in full swing, people actually came. And Stiles' guests were standing out to me because I recognised them from the gay club the other night, and they must've recognised me too because they waved at me and pointed at my dress wide-eyed. I laughed to myself as I walked away from them and to my sister.

She seemed a lot more happier now, she was filling up more glasses of punch and it made me slightly worried that she was adamant about serving everyone punch, she kept placing them in people's hands. Even in some who already had a half empty glass in their hand. Was she okay?

 I'm gonna answer my own question and go with a 'no'. That dream I had about all those people dead in our yard was starting to come to me and it made me realise that, that was her dream. I had put myself into her nightmare, and she sensed me. What is wrong with us? Then it finally dawned on me, all those people that were dead, was that a vision of tonight, was Lydia going through the same thing I was? 

The thing is, I could worry about that, or I could worry about the Kanima because I can only worry about one thing at a time and I'm gonna choose to worry about Jackson and whoever's controlling him. So I put Lydia's freaky vision out of my mind and approach her at the fountain. She's smiling as she pours another glass. "Here,"

"Oh no, Lydia thanks but I don't feel like drinking,"

"Oh come on, please," I grabbed the glass from her hand as she beamed, why was she so obsessed about everyone drinking her punch? Rather than drinking it to find out, I placed a hand on her arm before walking off and splashing the orangey liquid into one of mom's plants. That's gonna kill it. 

As I was walking away with the empty glass, heading towards Stiles and scott on the other side of the pool, some guy looked me up and down. Really, it's not like I'm my sister, I don't wanna get hit on by random guys. Before I could hurry away, the guy grabbed onto my forearm and smirked. "Hey,"

"Goodbye," I faked a smile and tried to step away, but he bodyblocked me and traced his hand over my arm. Who the hell does this guy think he is? 

"Stay a minute, let's talk. I like that dress," he thinks he was giving me a compliment, but it just made me want to rip the dress of and bury myself under hundreds of cosy layers so no one could see my exposed body. 

"Thanks, but I should go," I replied calmly before trying to step past him again, but he didn't budge and I realised he had gripped onto my wrist. "Let me go."

"Hey, hey, hey buddy. Why don't you leave the girl alone?" Stiles appeared out of nowhere trying to get the guy, who was like twice his size, to let go of me. The guy chuckled slightly and I just passed Stiles my glass. "What are you doing?"

"Stiles just hold my glass and let me handle this," the guy raised an eyebrow, smirking across at Stiles and allowing me to punch him in the face. He staggered back, letting me go and I shoved him before Stiles could get a hold of me. This random dude ended up tripping backwards and falling into the pool, splashing water everywhere and all over my dress.

Stiles pulled me back slightly as I just laughed, the guy was flailing around in the water and everyone around was cheering and chuckling at this douche. "What are you doing?" he asked, a very concerned expression on his face at the fact I just punched a guy, clearly Stiles was worried about me, but I can take care of myself. As much as I love him, I don't need him 

"Oh come on, he deserved it," I told Stiles as I cracked my knuckles and looked to see them slightly bruised.

"Hey, you're hurt,"

"And I'm also soaked. I need to get out of this stupid dress." 

"Well, here's some good news, Jackson's here," I spun around in my crappy heels to see Jackson walking out of the house and then I saw Lydia approaching him. Ugh, if I'm being honest, I just want to go to bed, but we have so much to deal with. 

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