Chapter 39 - We're all in this together

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"Stiles, Sheriff. Why am I here?" I asked as I stepped into Sheriff Stilinski's office and left the door open behind me. Stiles sent me an urgent text, saying that his dad needed to talk to me, I had no idea why, but when a Sheriff wants to talk to you, it's usually not good news. 

Stiles' dad turned to his son and squinted his eyes at him. "Yeah Stiles, why is she here? I told you this is all confidential."

"Dad, she's a genius, not better than me, but she's useful," I chuckled slightly and nodded, not knowing how to respond to that very incorrect statement.


"Okay fine, come in." he ushered me in and closed the door. Whatever this was, we definitely weren't supposed to be doing it. 

"So, what's going on?"

"You were right," Stiles turned to me, 

"I know, I'm right about everything, so you might need to be a bit more specific," his dad laughed slightly as he leaned against his desk. This confidence just came out of nowhere. 

"A pattern. We found one,"

"What's the pattern?" I inquired, stepping up to the 'murder board' as I like to call it, and examining the different strings and the different leads they had. 

"The mechanic, the husband, the wife. All the same age. All 24." Sheriff revealed to me and I narrowed my eyes at the board, they were missing something, or they had seen it but just not filled me in yet. 

"And usually three means its a pattern, but what about Mr. Lahey, he doesn't tie into that."

"Yeah, but Lahey actually had another son," my eyes widened in shock as he retrieved the file from his desk and handed it to me.

"Isaac has a brother?"

I glanced down at the file and started reading over it, this is crazy, I never knew he had a brother. "Had. His name was Camden, he died in combat at the age of-,"

"24." I read from the file as they both nodded. Okay, well the pattern continues, now we just need to figure out who could possibly be next. I mean are we gonna round up all the '24' year olds in Beacon Hills and keep track of them? "Okay, I need to eat something. Ooh, is that a veggie burger?" 


"Now what if same age means same class?"

"Yeah of course. I mean, did you think of that?" as Stiles agreed with me, because he was most likely thinking the same thing, he turned to his dad to see if he had thought of it, and by the surprised look on his dad's face, it tell me that's a 'no'. 

"Yeah, yeah. Well, I would've. I mean, I-," we were both staring at him and he just sighed, not enjoying that two teenagers were judging the way he worked. "look, I just got Lahey's file two hours ago."

"Two hours? Dad, people could be dying." Stiles dramatically threw his arms around in the air, trying to let his dad know that we were dealing with a very dangerous person. since, we can't tell him about Jackson and his evil Kanima side.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that. Thank you."

"Same class." I muttered to myself before turning to Stiles, "How about yearbooks?" he snapped his fingers at me and smiled before running round his father's desk and rifling through pages upon pages. And adding a stack of yearbooks to that. As we were searching through papers talking about the school and random things, I was trying to search for the class they were in.

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