Chapter 41 - Belated Birthday

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My body sprung up and I gasped for air, my sheets were covered in sweat and I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I think I just had a nightmare, but I can't remember anything about it. I brushed my hands through my hair and collapsed back against my pillow. There was something about Lydia, I should check on her. As I checked the time,  I realised that it was still the middle of the night and that I probably should go back to sleep, but something made me drag my body to Lydia's room. 

I pushed the door open slightly and saw that she wasn't there. Her sheets had been pulled back and it looked like she woke up from a nightmare too. I went in further to inspect and caught sight of dirt in her bed. Handfuls of crumbling dirt and when I approached I realised, something was moving within it. Worms. 

There were dozens of them, slipping through the soil and onto Lydia's bed, it made me want to throw up. This is disgusting, how did it get like this? That's when I heard her scream, so I rushed downstairs and found her standing there screaming as she stared at the window. "Lydia! Lydia!" she looked over at me, tears brimming in her eyes, whatever was going on, it was terrifying her.

 She then glanced over at the french doors that lead to the pool, and that's when I saw a crowd of people covered in blood and laying around in our backyard. "Lydia?" I was holding onto her forearm and she was just shaking her head and then she screamed again and it caused me to seal my eyes shut. 

When I opened my eyes, I gasped for air and realised I was in my bedroom. What just happened? It wasn't night, it was day, and I can't tell whether everything I saw just now was real or just some messed up dream.  Before I could think about it further, my door swung open and Sabrina strolled in. She noticed my surprise and smiled, "Sorry, I should've knocked,"

"You think?"

"I needed to talk," Sabrina kicked off her shoes and then landed on the bed beside me. We both laid there staring up at the ceiling, both of us dealing with some very pressing issues. 

"About you and Derek?" I pressed her for information and she just sighed. 

"Yeah. I was at the clinic last night, keeping an eye on Scott. And I rested my eyes for a little while and when I woke up, I was in my bed."

"Derek carried you home?"


"Well, that's sweet," I mused, even though it hasn't been easy for them to show their feelings and declare their love for each other, they've managed to work through it. And I just hope that one day, I can tell Stiles how I feel. 

"I know." she grinned slightly as she joined her hands together and rested them against her stomach. "How about you and Stiles? Are you anywhere near telling him how you feel?"

"I don't know. I'm starting to think that I'm not that ready," I sighed as I could feel her gaze land on me. 


"I know, I know. But every time I think about doing it, the timing is never right." 

"Just think about it okay. He really needs someone like you in his life right now." she reassured me and it made me realise that we've come a long since that panicked talk we had in my bedroom at the beginning of the year. That was the night I first told her about my crazy visions, do I tell her about this one? "Hey isn't it Lydia's birthday soon?"

"Yeah, the night of the full moon," I rolled my eyes, it meant that Sabrina wasn't gonna be able to join me as support because I knew that Lydia was throwing a huge party like she does every year.

"Oh, well then I don't think I'm gonna be able to make that. But why don't you talk to him then?" she suggested as I sat up in a huff and tried to put on a smile. 

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