Chapter 23 - I can see things

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Just as I was about to say something, my head started spinning. Sort of like how it did that day on the bleachers, I sensed something was wrong with Derek, but now it was much more painful. I grabbed my head with my hands, it was starting to ache and I could hear loud whispering, it was drowning out the sound of music and it felt like my ears were bleeding. 

"Lexie! Lexie! What's wrong?" I forgot Stiles was there, I forgot I was at the formal. Where did I think I was? The Lacrosse field? Why? And then it was like someone was drilling holes in my head and I couldn't move. 

I fell. But he caught me. He helped me out into the hallway where I collapsed onto my knees and clutched the floor. What was going on with me? Why did my head hurt like this? It was like a really bad headache but 10x as worse. 

"Lexie! Talk to me, what's going on?"

"I-I do-don't know," I stuttered, clenching my hands to my ears, but it just made the voices and the excessive sounds much louder. And then I heard a scream in my ear and I cried out in pain. "Ahh!" Stiles grabbed me by the arms and looked into my eyes. He was so worried, but I couldn't think about him, something was wrong with me, but not just with me. Someone was about to die. How did I know that? And why could I feel it? I felt the exact way they were gonna die, wait, it was someone I knew. 

My head started shaking and then the pain stopped slightly and I was no longer in the school with Stiles in front of me. I was out on the field, by the bleachers. It was eerie and quiet and very dark. Then all the lights turned on, one by one and that's when I saw her in the middle of the field. "Lydia?!" 

She started screaming at me and when I started to sprint towards her, I saw Peter walking to her. She was trying to flee but he was too fast. "No!" I shrieked as I ran as fast I could, he had gotten to her. He was gonna kill her. 

And then I screamed, like that time in the woods when Sabrina nearly killed me. I screamed so loud I broke out of whatever thing I was seeing, I looked forward at Stiles who was clutching his ears. I was still screaming? How? I couldn't feel it, it's like my body had take over and I had no control. 

Then I stopped and I sobbed endlessly, firstly because of the pain I was in and secondly because of what I just saw. I hadn't even realized that Stiles had grabbed me. He was holding me, but this time it wasn't enough. I had this sick feeling that what I saw was real, and that Lydia was out there somewhere close to death. 

I felt him smooth down my hair as I continued to cry, but then I knew that if what I saw was real, time was running out. I wriggled out of his grasp and turned to him. "Y-you need to g-go!" 

"I'm not leaving you!"

"No Stiles! It's Lydia, she's in danger. I think she's on the field," Stiles didn't blink, he was too shocked, and rather than asking me how I knew this, he bolted. Before he got outside, I heard him calling her name. He had to find her, and she had to be okay. Maybe what I saw was just some crazy dream, maybe it didn't happen. And maybe Lydia found Jackson and she was alright. But I couldn't bet on that. 

So, once the pain stopped and I could walk by myself, that's what I did. I composed myself and headed straight for the Lacrosse field. I was praying that Stiles was there by himself, that Lydia was safe in Jackson's Porsche or something. But when I got there, I heard yelling and crying. I sprinted as fast as I could to see Jackson there, and Lydia's lifeless body. "No!"  

"Come on, Lydia. Stay with me." I approached to see Jackson cradling her. I was right, whatever I saw, it was real, it happened, or it happened after I saw it, but that doesn't make any sense. I fell to my knees and saw that her dress was covered in blood, she had deep scratches everywhere, sort of like the ones Sabrina had. And she was bitten, was she gonna turn into a werewolf too?

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