Chapter 9 - "What the hell is a Stiles?"

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After that whole chaotic experience at the clinic, Derek took scott to see his uncle Peter, one of Derek's relatives, the only one that survived the fire. Apparently, who has been in a coma-like state for 6 years. According to Scott, half of his face is completely burnt and he doesn't even blink. Kinda crazy.

Derek told him that the Argents set the fire that killed his family, that they aren't people you can trust and that Allison will most likely be like them. But as well as the hunters, Scott has also had to deal with the Alpha, who's coming for him. But last night there was another attack, the Alpha killed yet again. This time it was the clerk at the video store, and guess who was there when it happened. Jackson, looking for 'The Notebook' I'm guessing because Lydia wanted to watch it, again

Lydia was in her car, waiting for Jackson when it happened. She keeps telling me and mom that she saw nothing, just glass shattering and a creature. But obviously I know that's not just it. Mom let her take the day off, she also let her take some pills, some pills that completely knocked her out, when I asked her who I was, she called me a mountain lion. I think she thinks she saw a mountain lion.

"Just a friendly reminder. Parent/teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a 'C' average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment." he looked over at Sabrina who was efficiently taking notes by scribbling. Her handwriting was literally not eligible, so I wouldn't say it was that efficient. And then at Stiles, who sat opposite me, who was also taking notes but in a completely different manner. He had the cap of his yellow highlighter secured in his mouth whilst he highlighted the entire paragraph in his textbook. Also not efficient  "Has anyone seen Scott McCall? Miss McCall?" Sabrina's head shot up and she looked at him and then over at Scott's seat, her eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"No, sir," she shook her head and shrugged her shoulders before getting back to taking notes, she was doing a lot better than before, she actually cared about her grade this time around. But, her grade average at the time being was still below a 'C', so she'd be joining her mom and Scott at the parent/teacher conference tonight. Before Harris could comment on Stiles and Sabrina's 'effective' note-taking, the door opened and Jackson walked. Weird, My mom told me he was staying home today. He made his way to his seat and sat down, acting as if everything was completely normal. Stiles looked across at me and we shared a look, we both knew he had seen something.

Harris approached Jackson and placed his hand on his back. "Hey, Jackson. If you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know." wow, now that was new. I don't think I've ever seen Harris treat someone like that. "Everyone, start reading Chapter Nine. Mr. Stilinski." Harris stood there, staring at the chalkboard as Stiles looked up at the sound of his name. "Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book." Stiles turned to me and rolled his eyes before spitting the cap into the air and catching it in his hand, he bowed slightly to me, as if it was some entertaining performance. It wasn't impressive, but it was comedic.

"Hey, Danny." Stiles leaned forward to grab Danny's attention, "Can I ask you a question?"

"No." he replied directly, nothing else, just a simple 'no'.

"Well, I'm going to anyway. Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?" I watched Stiles, what was he doing? Why didn't he just ask me whether Lydia came to school or not?


"Stiles, she's not in school. She took the day off," I reminded him, I'm pretty sure I told him that at his locker this morning.

"Can I ask you another question?" Stiles continued to bug Danny instead of asking me the questions.

"Answer's still no."

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