Chapter 24 - Part of a pack

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"Where are you going?" I asked as Stiles and Jackson headed down the hallway, no doubt was Jackson not amused by whatever plan Stiles had come up with.

"To find Scott," he told me, as if there weren't enough people looking for him, Sabrina went, and the Argent's were probably looking for him too. 

He needed as many people as he could, "Then I'm coming," I told him as he shook his head, I know he thinks he's keeping me safe, but I can take care of myself. 

"No, you have to stay here. For Lydia," I rolled my eyes, I wanted to help, but before I could say anything else, they were gone.

After a minute of waiting, I realized I had to go after them, I needed to help them. As I headed outside, I saw a familiar car, oh no. I ran back into the hospital and followed the steps they would've taken before coming across a locked room. I was angry, really angry, why the hell would the Argent's want Stiles, or Jackson for that matter? What am I gonna do? How am I gonna get them out? 

Well, I'm gonna do what works best, it worked against Sabrina for some reason during the full moon. So I screamed, ear-piercingly loud. I dragged it out until the door unlocked and a goon came out, closing the door behind him. I defended myself pretty well, using my martial arts skills to kick his ass and knock him out. "Well, that worked." Okay think, think, there are probably more inside, how do I get Stiles and Jackson out without having to face the hunters? That's it, there's a laboratory here somewhere, it doesn't take that long to make a smoke bomb. 

Once the thing was made and ready to be used,I grabbed the door handle and took a deep breath. I swung the door open and through the bomb to the ground so it emitted smoke. "Stiles! Jackson! Come on!" I watched them run blindly through the smoke and towards the door, all the while coughing loudly, oh come on it wasn't that bad. I closed the door and slipped in a broom, we needed to get out of here, because the hunter I beat up started to stir. 

"Did you do that?" Jackson looked wide-eyed at the guy on the floor, he seemed surprised that I could beat up someone so easily. What like it's that hard? I could beat him up easily, but we don't have the time.

"Yes, now let's go, we need to find Scott,"

"Yeah, because Kate's gonna kill him," Allison's aunt Kate? Oh, she set the fire, it all makes sense now. 


I was close to Derek's house. Following the sound of Scott's howl, but that took me to a completely different place, so I started trying to follow his scent instead, and it's led me here. Of course it would, why wouldn't it, everything bad happens here. That's when I spotted a sewer, the bars bent or broken. There was a spot where there were no leaves, as if it had been used recently. That's where she's been keeping him, Kate or one of the hunters had been keeping Derek down here, but I don't think he's down there anymore because I can feel his scent, and it doesn't lead down there, it leads up ahead. 

I tried to listen, but it was hard because I don't know what I'm listening for, so I just started running. I could sense Scott, and I could tell he needed my help, he was in trouble. That's when I heard the arrows being shot, and then I heard an explosion, just a small one. But I saw it up ahead, and I knew I had to get there. When I approached, I saw Scott and Derek down, and Kate and Allison further away, shooting at them from afar. 

I immediately leapt from hiding and landed in front of Derek, they're not gonna hurt either of them, not if I have anything to do with it. I growled, My claws digging into the mud where my hands was placed and my teeth extending out, ready to attack if needs be. Kate smirked, surprised at the fact that there were now two of us. "Two Betas? Well, this just makes it more fun, shoot," 

The Banshee and the Beta ➼ TEEN WOLFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang