Chapter 3 - Hunt Or Be Hunted

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"Yeah, he's fine. Came back late, half-naked, mumbling about some hunters, about Derek and obviously...Allison, hey," I was filling in Lexie about Friday night since she took a pill and completely blacked out that night, not getting any of my messages. She didn't even bother to reply to me over the weekend. That's when Allison appeared and I put on one of my biggest fake smiles.

"Hey guys," Allison beamed, leaning against the locker beside Lexie's and clutching onto her textbooks as if they actually mattered.

"Did you enjoy the party Friday night?" Lexie made conversation as she closed her locker, I on the other hand stood there awkwardly. This isn't me, Lexie's usually the socially awkward one, so why am I finding it hard to even talk to this girl? Is it because she's into my brother? Or is it because she looked at me a weird way?

"It was good, I mean Lydia throws great parties-,"

"I wouldn't say great, but," Lexie interjected,

"The only problem was that Scott left early, he didn't look good. Is he okay? Because he says he's okay but it still feels like something's wrong." I realised in that moment that she was directing the question at me, it was my chance to get friendly with this girl.

"He seems fine," and that did not work, what is my problem? Why do I keep brushing this girl off?

"Oh, okay then. I'll see you guys later, I guess," Allison walked away looking like someone just knocked her ice cream cone out of her hand or something.

Lexie narrowed her eyes as she turned to face me, "And I thought I had a problem talking to people,"

"What, it's not like I shouted at her?" I tried to defend myself but I knew she had a point, honestly I don't know why I was being like this, it's not like I actually want to be a bitch to her,

"You gave her the cold shoulder, you gave her the impression that Scott has been telling you bad things about her," Lexie suggested a scenario but it just left me confused,

"But he hasn't,"

"Yeah, I know, it's what she thinks by your body language, and your tone and your words," Lexie delved into her brain and pulled out facts about psychology and it just got me riled up.

"Please stop with all this psychological bullshit,"

"It's not bullshit, it's called science," she corrected me as we headed down the hallway, side by side.

"Yeah, and science can go and kiss my ass." I exclaimed pushing the doors open and heading outside.


We were sat on the bleachers yet again, it was like a daily frickin' ritual, Lexie liked it because she says she gets in the 'headspace' and can easily focus which just baffles me because how can you focus when people are cheering, and when there are many hot jocks on the field. I brought that up once and she didn't seem amused. I leaned back and took a bite out of my apple as I watched Lexie study. "Does your brain not get tired?"


"But like I thought your brain was a muscle, does it not need rest once in a while?" Lexie turned her head at me and tried not to laugh.

"I get eight hours of sleep every night, I only ever drink water and I drink eight cups a day. I don't eat meat, or fish and I gave up dairy a long time ago. I have a strict study schedule and I stick to it. Now, I have less than an hour to study as much as I can before I have to get to class and sit a test. So, yes I do rest my brain and now I need to focus it," I shrugged and she turned back to her work.
Man, this girl worked hard, in everything. It's like she was trying to prove something, but to who? She doesn't care what her parents think and besides, they already know how much of a genius she is. Maybe a guy, but what kind of guy would find any bit of what she just said attractive, I mean maybe Stiles, but he has always had his heart fixated on Lydia.

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