Chapter 45 - Far From Normal

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"Why are you asking me about Matt?" I questioned Miss Morrell as she switched the topic of the conversation to the freak that tried to kill us all. Matt's body was fished out of the lake yesterday, but they say he died the night before, meaning the night he all tried to kill us at the Sheriff's station. 

"Because you went through something very terrifying. And these sessions give you a place to talk freely and get whatever it is you're holding, off your chest." she smiled and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I really didn't want to talk about that whole situation, I'm here because my parents have being very worried recently about my well-being. 

Apparently, I seem crazier than Lydia, because I've been mumbling about these visions and bringing it up to my mom and she's starting to think I'm going clinically insane. And what if I am? What if everything that's been happening to me recently is just my head messing with me? "One of your classmates turned out to be a murderer. How does that make you feel?"

"Scared? I don't know. Suffocated. You feel like you're not even living your own life anymore," I mentioned, shrugging my shoulders. But what I was saying wasn't about Matt, it was about me, I feel like I haven't lived my own life in months. 

"Do you think that's how Matt felt?"

"I don't care what he felt, because I don't feel sorry for him. He killed so many people," I reminded her and she nodded as she kept her hands clasped together and glanced over at me. 

"Okay. Well, can you feel sorry for the nine-year-old Matt who drowned?" 

"Just because someone has a tragic backstory does not give them the excuse to go on a murderous rampage." I told her and before she could ask me another annoying question, I decided to explain myself. 

"Miss Morell, I've researched serial killers and mass murderers and I look into cases and I enjoy it. I have this urge to know what these people think when they kill someone, because who could do that." I wondered as she just listened to me go on intently. 

I sighed, "What kind of person can pick up a knife and plunge it into someone's heart, or load a gun and shoot someone in the head, or crush them underneath a moving car, or suffocate them with a pillow till they can't breathe?" I trailed off and started describing the murders Matt committed.

Once I slightly calmed myself down, I smiled, "And I've always had the same results, they always have one thing in common. A traumatic backstory that is supposed to help us emphasise with the killer. But there are people in this world who go through hell and back and have never even had thoughts about hurting someone." 

I was starting to talk about myself unknowingly and I knew she had picked up on it. "They get through it, with the help of their friends, their family. They don't milk it, they don't feel sorry for themselves. They get up brush themselves off and never look back." 

My voice was wavering slightly and I could feel my hands shaking in my lap, "Because people who have actually experienced trauma get help. They get the help they need because they know that something is so wrong with them." I glanced down at my hands, blinked and saw blood, blinked again and it was gone. 

The visions I've been having recently are a lot more clearer than before and they have been a lot more scarier and I'm starting to think that I'm losing my mind. "They know that if they end up spending anymore time alone in their room that they can become a danger to themselves because they don't want to take it out on others,"

Miss Morrell seemed worried now, and I could tell she thought there was something wrong with me. "Lexie-,"

"What?" As she said my name I just snapped. I couldn't take it. My mind was foggy, it was playing tricks on me and sometimes I'd wake up in the middle of the night just screaming. And I'd scream sometimes till my throat ached. 

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