Chapter 38 - Dilemma in the Library

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I pushed the door open slightly to see Jackson - completely naked - and he had pushed Allison against the wall, his hands were planted by her shoulders and she was stuck, "I just-I just hope your dad has been teaching you moves to protect yourself." Jackson had his Kanima claws to her neck, oh god, do something Lexie, if something happens to Allison, you'll never forgive yourself. 

"Actually, he has." before Allison could attack Jackson like she was probably going to, I held the fire extinguisher tight in my hands and slammed him on the back of the head with it. "Lexie?"

"Come on, are you okay?" I asked her as I pulled her away from the wall and over to me, we looked at Jackson, on his knees and clutching the back of his head. And then it was like a switch turned in his brain and he started blinking rapidly and looking at us like we were crazy.

"Allison? Lexie? What are you doing here?" Allison and I were clutching onto each other in fear, how did he just switch back to normal Jackson like that? We stumbled back against the wall and stood against it, waiting for him to possibly attack us. But instead he slipped on his shorts and as he did so, Scott flung the door open and I realised how this looked. Not good. 

"I-I'm fine. I'm fine." she reassured him, but seeing Jackson naked around his girlfriend was enough to want to kill him. "Scott, I'm fine. Scott!" Scott flung at Jackson and pushed him back against the lockers which resulted in them toppling over. Jackson laid against them breathing heavily and gritting his teeth. 

"I have a restraining order!" he yelled and Scott just smirked, 

"Trust me, I restrained myself." And then they started fighting. Allison and I sat in the corner as we watched this all go down. For a moment I stopped paying attention, they were by the showers anyway, so I turned to Allison. 

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" she shook her head and looked into my eyes, she was slightly scared you could tell, but she was being stubborn, she wanted to protect herself and honestly, if I wasn't there she could've. 

"I'm fine." But thank god I got there in time, I mean Jackson seemed really mad, but it didn't sound like Jackson, it sounded like someone was speaking through him. Whoever is controlling him, has something against Allison. 

I turned back to Jackson and Scott and watched Jackson throw a huge weight at him, which Scott caught, but then he slammed him against the wall and then threw him against the sinks so they broke and started spurting out water. Then after a few more punches and hurls across the room and the water that was now spreading across the whole of the locker room and presumably out into the hall, Jackson threw Scott at the door. Flinging it open and taking this fight into the hall. "Come on," I grabbed Allison and we rushed out. Jackson was on top of Scott but then Erica had grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. I'm guessing she knows. 

"Scott, Scott, Scott! Guys!" Stiles and Allison grabbed a hold of Scott and pulled him to the side. Of course that's when Mr. Harris appeared. 

"What the hell's going on? Hey! Enough! Enough. What do you idiots think you're doing? Jackson! Calm down! Mr. McCall, you wanna explain yourself? Stilinski!" Mr. Harris was looking for an explanation and I didn't know what to say. I was stood beside Allison and that's when I spotted a kid with my tablet, the one that I lent Scott so he could read about the Kanima. Why was he holding it.

"You dropped this." he was trying to hand it back to Scott, and that's when Harris snatched it out of his hand, waving it around as he pointed at Scott and Jackson.

"You and you." Then he looked at all of us and shook his head, "Actually. All of you. Detention. Three o'clock." Detention? You're kidding me? I've never had a detention in my life, like ever. Well, I guess there's a first time for everything.

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