Chapter 8 - I'm Surrounded By Idiots

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It was the evening when Scott finally called us back. Lexie texted me a few times, I didn't think it was best to tell her about this, she'd probably scream at us. We were parked by the side of the road, sat in the dark as Stiles talked to Scott on the phone. "What am I supposed to do with him?" I couldn't hear the other end, so I had no idea what he was saying, but my twin senses told me that he was acting like he had the harder job.

"And, by the way, he's starting to smell." Stiles said down the phone as Derek glanced over at him. "Like death." I pulled myself forward so my head was close to the phone, I wanted to know what my idiot brother was saying.

"Okay, take him to the animal clinic," Ooh that's very fitting isn't it? Taking a werewolf to the vet?

"What about your boss?" Stiles reminded him, there was no way his boss would be 'okay' with taking a grown man to the vet, a man that's bleeding black liquid.

"He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster." Scott informed us as Stiles let out a slight chuckle and looked over at Derek.

"You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take you." Derek grabbed Stiles' hand and moved the phone to his ear.

"Did you find it?"

"How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million. This house is like, the fricken Walmart of guns." I mean they are hunters, what did you expect?

"Look, if you don't find it, then I'm dead, all right?" okay, I said to myself rather than out loud, I don't wanna risk an evil look from Derek.

"I'm starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing." I heard Scott say on the other side and I tried to stop myself from laughing, twins definitely think alike.

"Then think about this. The Alpha called you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time you either kill with him or you get killed. So if you wanna stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet." Derek spoke through gritted teeth, I swear Scott, hurry up.


As we were heading for the clinic, my phone began ringing, it was Lexie. I decided to just answer it, I might as well tell her the truth. "Um hello, where are you? You were supposed to be here hours ago, didn't you get any of my texts?"

"Yeah, I got all of them," I answered with ease and I could sense her confusion through the phone.

"So why didn't you reply to them?"

"Because I didn't want to worry you."

"Oh no, what's going on?" After I filled her in on everything that happened after school leading up to now, she sighed.

"Derek's dying?"


"And you are helping him, why?" she queried, puzzled as to why we hadn't just dropped him off at his demolished house.

"I have no idea. If it was up to me, I would've dropped him by the side of the road hours ago," Derek slowly turned to glare at me and I smirked at him. He didn't seem very amused.

"Okay, I'll meet you at the clinic. I don't trust either of you to do the right thing." she hung up straight after she had insulted me and Stiles, I mean I wouldn't disagree with her though, Stiles and I looking after a dying Derek? Yeah, no that wasn't going to work.


As we 'technically' broke into the clinic, Derek collapsed on a pile of dog food, clutching his hand to his chest. He was having difficulty breathing. The barks from the vast amount of dogs probably didn't help. I leaned against the wall, it was now a matter of time. Scott had to arrive soon or his bestie Derek was gonna die. And as much as I'm up for a nighttime stroll through the woods, I really don't wanna bury a body tonight.

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