"To set my student profile? What about you?" I asked.


"But usually it is done with lot of process! How come you are here?" I asked.

"Can I ask the same?" He replied with the question.

"I have my Dad's influence. So Yeah! What about you? Whose influence you got?" I asked.

He pointed the man behind me, who was holding some documents and glaring through it, "My bro."

"Yoongi?" I rechecked what he pointed.

"Yeah. Yoongi Bro." He smiled.

"Your brother?" I asked.


"Your own brother?!!" I exclaimed.

"Hahaha... No I just rented him for a month!" He laughed out loud.

"Jaykayyy...!! This is too much!" I pouted.

"Of course he is my own brother." He controlled his laughter.

"But he looks so elder than you."

"Yeah. We have age gap. He is almost 28! And I'm still 17!" He giggled.

"Oh! That's why I couldn't believe you in first place. Never mind." I laughed.

"By the way, do you know him?" He raised his brows.

"Of course. My Dad knows him. They both work in the same company." I said.

"Ohhh I see."

"I didn't call you to chit-chat Jungkook! Finish your work as soon as possible! I still need to go office!" He coldly said.

"I'm.. I'm sorry.. I was the one who started conversation. Please don't scold him." I slightly bowed with my apology.

"You both are already friends, huh!" He stated.

"Umm.. Yeah. He and Nightingale helped me with directions this noon." I stated.

"Ohh I see."

"Oh no!" Jungkook shook his head, "Nany! She will be waiting for me! I totally forgot to say this to her! Bro, I have plans with her... I'll be home late today. Please say that to Mom!"

"You were late yesterday too!"

"Bro please.. It's her birthday tomorrow." Jungkook made doe eyes.

"Okay.. I'll inform this one last time." He paused. "I think you too have plans.. May be. If you are done with papers, you can leave." He smiled looking at me.

"Oh yeah Yoomi! She has plans too! May be he is waiti-" Jungkook word's were cut off by me.

"No.. Nobody's waiting.. I mean.. I don't have any plans.." I tried to cover up things.
"Bye. Thank you Mr. Yoongi." I bowed and turned back to the door.

"Hey, Yoomi!" Tae was coming inside the cabin. "Let's go."

"What the F-" I thought, baffled.

He hopped towards me held my hand.

"I... Uh.. That.." I saw Tae and switched my glance on Yoongi.

He was looking at me calmly, like everything's normal.

I made that "Don't say this to my Dad, please. I beg you." Look, seeing Yoongi.

Yoongi silently nodded like he read my mind.


"Wanna see our campus?" Tae asked while alighting down from stairs.

"Yes. Of course!" I said.

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