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Earlier I found out that Ric was back, and he hasn't contacted Riley yet. Who knows how long he's been back but when I found out he was with Jenna. So, odds are he's been back for awhile now. She didn't even know that he had a kid and that Riley was his daughter! She's gonna be devastated when she finds out he's back... Then she's gonna be more upset when she finds out that he didnt contact her.

Of course I have to be the one to tell her. Which is gonna be horrible for me, because I'll have to see that look in her eyes. And I'll have to see her cry for who knows how long; I just really hope she doesn't turn it off.

She really loves her dad and knowing this, I don't know if she could come back from it. There's only one person who she always listens to and can always calm her down.


The last person I wanna get, but for her sanity and her sake, I've gotta do it. No matter how I feel, and no matter how badly I wanna stake him.

I arrive at the Salvatore Boarding House and knock on the door, then walk in. "What's the point of knocking if your just gonna come in" "To give a heads up" "Why are you here Little Gilbert?" "Did you know Ric's back?" When I asked that, he slowly turned around, a confused expression on his face.

"I take that as a no" "And you know this... How?" "Jenna, I was on the phone with her and she said she was hanging out with him and then I had a conversation with him and I know its him" "I'm gonna kill him" "No, listen, I don't know how long hes been back, but I need you to tell her" "Are you kidding?" "She listens to you, you calm her down" "Fine" He said after he sighed.

Jeremy told me some surprising news about Ric today: he's back and hasn't talked to his daughter yet. So, its my job to go and talk to her, to tell her.

I knock on the hotel room door and she opens the door. "Hey" I start as she closes the door. I put my foot out to stop it from closing. "What do you want, Damon?" "We, uh, we need to talk"

Her face went from hatred, to confusion as she opened the door to let me in. "Yeah, sit down, make yourself at home" She said sarcastically, when I flopped onto one of the beds.

"So, what did you come here for?" I sigh and say cautiously, "Riley, your dads back in Mystic Falls" "What? No he's not, he would have texted and told me" "Riley, he was with Jenna earlier, Jeremy found out and didn't know how to tell you so he asked me to" "So... NO! My dad would've told me if he was back!" "Call Jenna and ask her yourself"

Her breathing started to increase and she put her hands in her hair. Tears start streaming down her face as she falls to her knees.

"Hey, you'll be ok" "How... How could he do this?" "I don't know, Riles" "He... He..." She started, but couldn't finish her sentence because she broke down in tears.

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now