Finding Out The Truth

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Riley is a smart girl, she is going to figure out what's going on. And that's what I'm worried about. I've been trying to keep her out of this for years and now she's here. If I don't know Riley, she isn't gonna stop until she figures out what it is that's going on.

I've decided that I'm gonna go and see Stefan, and figure out what the heck is going on. So, once I know my dad is asleep, I sneak out my window and I head to the Salvatore Boarding House. It's not to cold outside but it's not to hot either. So I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt, pants, and tennis shoes.

When I get to the house, I quietly open and close the door. Trying to find Stefan, I enter the living room. Not finding him, I go up and down hallways and never find him anywhere.

As I'm about to head out the door, I see a hallway I didn't go down. So, I look around, and quietly go down the hallway. I follow it all the way to the end and see cells. I start looking in them and see Stefan in one. He's pale, sweating, weak looking, and looks like he hasn't eaten or drank anything in like forever. "Oh my God, Stefan?" I whisper, quietly, so he was the only one who'd know I was here. "Riley?" "Stefan, it's me, it's ok, your gonna be ok, I'm gonna get you outta here" I unlock his cell door quietly. He crawled out of there and I hugged him with everything I had. "Stefan, I missed you so much!" "Riley?!" "Damon?" "What the hell are you doing down here?" "I think the better question is why do you have Stefan locked up and starved?" "Riley, listen, he's not himself right now" "You keep saying that, but he seems fine to me" I say, his head in my lap, I was playing with his hair. "I know Riley but he's not"

I see Riley with Stefan down in the cellar. He smirks at me and bites into her neck. "Stefan, no!"

All of a sudden, Stefan leans up and bites my neck. It hurt really bad, I hear Damon scream, "Stefan, no!" Before everything goes black.

I wake up with my neck hurting really badly and Damon sitting next to me with my dad yelling at him. I groan and they both look at me concerned. "Riley" "How are you feeling?" I look at Damon and remember everything from before. Stefan biting my neck, Damon saying he's not himself. What is he? Does that mean Damon is like Stefan? Is Damon gonna hurt me like Stefan did?

She's looking at me in a way that breaks my heart. In a way that I never wanted her to: fright. Riley's scared of me, she's scared that I'm going to do what Stefan did to her, that I'm gonna be like him.

"Riley?" "Get away from me" "Riley, don't-" Ric started. "I said get away from me!" "Ok" I said, heartbroken. Ric looked at me heartbroken, too. We both know that if she doesn't get over this, nothing is gonna be the same. That I won't be her best friend anymore. "Dad, what are they?" "I can't, Riley" "Tell me, Dad!" "We're vampires, Riley" Damon said in the doorway, heading downstairs.

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora