Author's Note

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Guys, I love all of my dedicated fans who have read from start to now or from a previous chapter to now... But, I feel Damon and Riley's journey should come to an end now. They have been through many ups and downs and now have a child.

yashvi_lodha Im gonna miss your comments 😂 and I know u won't be happy about this.

But, who knows, I might come back and make a sequel to this sometime... You never know! I'll be making another one or two chapters then this story will come to an end...

I'm sorry guys I still love u! Thanks for 1.65k reads by the way! Ive never ever imagined I'd ever have that many readers!

-alyssamorrison923 😘🥰

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ