Father-daughter Bonding Time

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We walk out, letting her stay at my house for awhile. All of a sudden, Damon stops and turns around. "Why don't I handle this, you go see your daughter" "She'll be fine until tomorrow" "Ric, did you see how upset she was that you wouldn't be there? All she wants is to be able to hang out with her dad, so go" I stop and consider it. "Ric, Stefan isn't going anywhere; he's not growing up. She is, she's gonna be leaving, and she's growing up" "She's already grown Damon" "No she's not, she's only 21! There's plenty of time left! Come on, let's go, forget about Stefan!" "Damon-" "Ric, she's your daughter!" "He's your brother!" "You haven't seen her in years and now your gonna avoid her?" "I'm not avoiding, Damon" "Yes, Ric, you are" "I'm not, now let's go"

I stand there, with my arms crossed; pft, he thinks just because he's mad, he can tell me what to do? Ha! He's funny, he may be my best friend, but nobody tells me what to do. Not even good ol Ric.

"Well?!" "I'm not going anywhere" "Damon" "Alaric" "Riley, hey" "Hey, I thought y'all were gone" "Your father and I were just having a discussion, and he's gonna stay here and spend some father-daughter time with you, while I go and deal with my idiotic brother" "Oh, really?" She asked, a huge smile appearing on her face. "Of course" He agreed.

I know my dad, and I know he's hiding something from me. Which is why, while we're out eating, I'm gonna ask him about it. Because I'm gonna figure out whatever it is that he's hiding from me and why he's not seen me in so long.

We're eating dinner and I decide to talk to him. "So, Damon hasn't changed" "Yeah, he's the same old Damon" "Mhm, he looks exactly the same, too" I say. My dad looks at me and then back at his food, eating some. "It's kinda odd, because I've changed so much, you've changed so much, yet, Damon... He's the exact same" "Well you know Damon, he has his ways" "Hm, or maybe you guys are hiding something from me" "What?" He laughs a little. "Your hiding something from me, and I want to know what it is" "Riley, nobody is hiding anything from you" "Where's Stefan, Dad" "You can't see him right now" "Why?" "He's..." "He's what dad?" He doesn't answer. "That's what I thought you'd say" I said. "Look, Dad, it's been years since we have seen each other, but I know you... And I know when your lying" "I'm not lying" "Fine, whatever, but I'm not letting this go"

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now