Thank You, I'm So Sorry

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Damon and I are on our way to see Stefan and them. To thank them and apologize for everything we did while our humanity was off. Honestly, I feel disgusted with myself, but, there's nothing I can do now.

When we get there and walk in, all eyes are on us. I look down in embarrassment while Damon just walks in and pours himself a drink. "Stefan?" "Yes?" "Thank you so much" I say and break down and cry. He rushes over to me and hugs me. "Elena, Caroline?" I say, my voice cracking. "I'm sorry for everything I said and or did" "We're just glad your back, Riley" "I missed my best friend so much!" "Come here" I said, hugging Caroline. "I'm so sorry" "It's ok, just, never do that again" "I won't, I promise" "Good" "I love you, Care" "I love you, too Riley"

We all hung out and caught up, they told us what we missed and what we needed to know. "So, Klaus, is coming to Mystic Falls?" "Maybe" "Maybe?" "Yeah, we aren't exactly sure" "Ok, so what do we do until then?" "We wait" "We wait until he attacks?! And probably kills one of us?!" I stand up, and yell, fustrated. "No, we're just gonna go on with our normal lives, and lure him in, then see what happens" "That is the stupidest plan ever!" "Riley it's better than being paranoid and locked up in here everyday" "No, I don't think it is! He can kill us easier if we're out and about then if we're here trapped!" "Riley, it's not a bad idea" "What?! Your agreeing with this plan?!" "Yeah, I think it's best to just live your life" "Your all insane, I'm going for a run" "Don't use your vamp speed!" "Shut up!"

"She's just stressed out, she'll come around" "No, I won't!" 'Yes she will' Damon mouthed and we all chuckled.

When she comes back, she looks scared. "What's wrong?" "Damon, I think I know what's wrong!" "What do you mean?" "Look I know it's impossible, but, I think I'm pregnant" He looked at me like I was going crazy. "Riley, your not pregnant" "Damon, look at my stomach!" She said, pulling up her shirt. "Riley, stop, your, your not pregnant" "Damon, think about it! The dizziness, the throwing up, not being able to drink the blood! I have the symptoms, Damon" "Riley, listen to me! You. Are. Not. Pregnant" "I knew you wouldn't listen to me! You never do!" She's crying like crazy and I don't know what to do right now. "Damon, Riley? What's going on?" "Riley's convinced she's pregnant" "What? Why?" "Stefan! Listen to me! You have to believe me, ok!" "Ok, just calm down" "Listen to me! I have all the symptoms, Stephan! Dizziness, throwing up, not being able to drink the blood, not eating much one day eating a lot the other, the stomach pain!" Stefan rubbed his hands over his face. "Stefan, look at my stomach!" She cried. She lifts it up and it was bigger than when she showed me. "That's bigger than when you showed me" "Stefan, please, you have to believe me!" "Ok, ok" "You believe me?" "Yeah, I believe you, Riley" She hugged him tightly, crying harder than before. "Damon, she's pregnant" "Yeah? Even if she is, how are we gonna figure out if she actually is or not?" "I think I know someone who can help"

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now