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Just as Damon was walking out, Tyler, Stefan and Jeremy came back in. Elena stayed for a few minutes and tried to apologize but left after failing.

We heard beeping noises coming from Amanda's room and Jo ran in to check on her. "She's awake" "What happened?!" "She heard Damon's voice and got really upset about it" "Well is she ok now?" "Yeah, she's fine for the time being" "How's the baby?" "The baby is healthy and perfectly fine" "Oh thank goodness" "Usually only one person can come at a time but there's only a few of you, so I'll bend the rules a little" "Thanks, Jo" "No problem"

"I know this is a tough question, but have you heard from Ric?" "Um, no, I haven't" "You'd tell us right?" "Of course" "Good" "Come on" She said, leading us to her room.

Amanda was laying in bed and when the door opened she smiled when she saw all of us. "Hey, guys" "Hey, how ya feeling?" "I'm ok" "We were so worried about you! Don't do that again" she chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, I won't" "Good" "Jeremy, I'm surprised your here" "Hey, just because my sister hates you doesn't mean I do" We laughed and she nodded.

"Stefan, thank you" "For what?" "Everything you've done for me" "Your always thanking me... For nothing, why?" "Because I never know if something is gonna happen" "Amanda, nothing is gonna happen, with Caroline, Tyler, Jeremy, and I here, nothing will happen, ever ok?" "Ok, but it won't stop me from saying it, I'm thankful for you" "Well, I'm beyond thankful for you" We hugged and a tear rolled down my face.

"Care Bear, come here" She said; I walked up to her and held her hand. "I love you so much... Your the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for, and I am so glad that I have the right to call you my friend. Your beautiful, smart, sexy as hell, and reigning Miss Mystic Falls, I'm so proud of you"

"I'm proud of you too and-" "I'm not finished yet" "And I want you to be the Godmother of my baby, is that a thing or is it just godfather?" "I don't know" "Amanda, are you sure about that?"

"Absolutely and Stefan, I want you to be the godfather, you guys mean so much to me I don't think I'd make it in life without you" Everyone in the room was crying.

"Ty Ty, my best friend" "Oh gosh" "Come over here" "Ok" "Ty Ty, you my man, I am so glad that I have you back in my life. I missed you like crazy, you have no idea, man" She chuckled. "And now that I have you, I'm giving you some advice" "Oh no, not advice!" "Yes advice... Stop focusing on girls, you need to focus on yourself, dude, you have plenty of time for Caroline later" I hit her lightly on the shoulder.

"We're in our senior year of high school, and I don't care if your going college, but focus on school please, you too Jeremy... If you needed help, you could have asked me, I want you guys to graduate, so graduate... Understand me, it's an order" "Yes, Amanda" "Thank you"

We all laughed; Amanda looked at Jeremy and looked away, biting her lip. "What's on your mind?" "What?" "You have something else to say, I can see it" "No, I don't" "Amanda" "Ok fine" She said.

"Jeremy" She said, closing her eyes and sighing nervously. "Come here" "Um, ok" He said, confused. She grabbed his hand, and her heart monitor started beeping. "Um, Amanda, your thing is beeping" "I know, it's because I'm nervous" "Why?" "Look, I know that your sister and I don't get along to great, but I have to tell you something" "Ohkay" Her monitor beeps faster.

"I... Ever since we met at The Grill when I was talking to Matt, even though I was with... You know who, I've... Kinda... Had a thing for you" Everyone was silent and she broke the silence by saying, "Oh my gosh, I am so glad I finally got that out!" We all laughed.

She got more nervous because he wasn't saying anything, and I can tell she wanted to cry. So, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Tears start streaming down her face and he reached out and wiped them away. She smiled and he did something nobody expected he would do. He kissed her. She was even shocked by that.

"Do you... Want us to go?" "No! Don't, please" "Ok, ok"

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now