I'm In Love With You

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Ever since the other day when she said she was feeling better, she's been going uphill from there.

Last night, I told her I liked her a lot, it's a relief to get it off my chest. But, I know she was a little worried to have me like her. She was also worried to go to sleep that night because of her nightmare.

The next morning I woke up before her and accidentally woke her up trying to get up from bed. "Mm, is it night again yet?" She yawned and stretched. I laughed at her and shook my head, "No, it's 11:20" "Mm, ok" "What?" "Nothing" "You sure?" "Yeah" "Ok, here you hungry or anything?" "No, but, I feel a little dizzy" "Close your eyes" "I was feeling fine and then all of a sudden, BAM! It just hit me!" "Just relax, close your eyes" "Just don't kiss me this time" She said, smirking.

Today, I feel good; Damon is gonna help me get up and out of bed. It's been awhile since I've showered, so he's going to help me out with that. He turns on the bath water, "Are you sure you won't be to uncomfortable with doing this?" "I don't know, you might have to leave, get out" "Ok, let me know when your done" "Damon, I was kidding" "Oh your funny" "I know... Did you get clothes?" "Uh, no, I'll be back" Once I get back, I see he added bubbles in there! "Huh, you put bubbles! Yay!" "I knew you'd be excited" "Aw, I'm really excited, thank you" "Ok, so how is, uh... How are we-?" "Well I'm gonna need some help, just don't look at me" "I can't help you and not look" "Ugh, if you look you might get ideas, or something... I don't know, or if you see it might get akward" "Or your just self conscious and don't want me seeing, because you think I'm gonna judge you" He says, and I look away. He knows me to well, damn it! He can see right through me! Ugh I hate that, but I also love it at the same time, like it has it's perks but damn does it have it's cons!

He puts his hand underneath my chin and makes me look at him. "Right?"

Ugh, I hate how stubborn she is, so to get the truth out of her; even though I already know what it is: I compel it out of her. Which I feel really bad about doing by the way. "Why do you not want me to see your body?" "Because I'm afraid" "Of what?" "You" "Why?" "I know you judge women by their bodies a lot, and I'm afraid you'll judge me" "Why are you so worried?" "It's part of my self-consciousness" "Your usually not like this with me, though, so tell me why you really are worried I'll judge you?" "Because I'm in love with you and I don't want to lose you"

I hear myself say to him that I'm in love with him, and I blink a few times. To avoid looking at him, I turn around and walk out of the bathroom, closing the bathroom door. He turns off the water and opens the bathroom door. "What did you do?" "What?" "What did you do? To make me tell you that" "I compelled you" "Whatever the hell that is, I don't like it, and if you ever do it to me again... I will never talk to you again" He nods, dazed. "Can we at least-?" "Well I mean we have no choice now" "Look, I know your mad, but-" "No, you know what, I need that bath, stay out here, and think about what you did and how badly you hurt me"

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now