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"Then date me!" "No, Riley, stop, what's going on with you?" "Damon, I am in love with you! I want you in my future I don't care about anything else!" "Riley, stop, I'm not turning you, and I'm not going to date you" "Why?" "I'm not turning you because your 21 you have a whole life ahead of you, I'm not dating you because I don't like you!" My whole world literally crumbles.

"Riley, hey!" "Damon? Damon!" Hey, hey I'm right here, sh, I'm right here" "Why would you do that to me?!" "Do what?" "You yelled at me, and told me you didn't like me" "When?" "Just now" "Riley you were dreaming" "No, no, it was so real!" "Do you really think I would say something like that to you?" "I'm sorry" "For what?" "Everything, if you wanna leave, now's the best time, everyone else is gone, I'll understand" "Hey, I'm not going anywhere, ever" "Ever?" "Never... I'll be with you for the rest of your life, right by your side" "You can't say that! Because at some point, I'm gonna die! Or maybe you'll get killed and you'll leave me all alone! I'll die and leave you all alone again... Or something will happen and you'll be forced to leave me forever because you can't be around me because I'm human! Maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore, Damon, or anything more" "What? Riley, listen to me, nobody can make me give you up, I will always pick you over anything" "Exactly, and it'll get you killed" "I don't care as long as your safe" "But I care, Damon! I can't live in a world where your gone!" "You think I can?! Riley you are probably the most important person and thing in my life right now, I don't care about anything else" "I want to be with you forever, Damon, but I'll die eventually. You have to come to peace with that" "I don't have to come to peace with anything" "Turn me" "What?" "Turn me and then I won't leave you" "Riley, if I turn you, it'll effect your whole future" "I don't care, Damon" "I do! I'm not gonna take your life away from you because you want me to" "If you don't, I'll find someone who will" "Riley, please don't" "Damon, I want to live with you forever... And that's the only way" "No, your 21 years old! It's not happening!" "Ok" "Promise me you won't go asking anyone to try and get them to turn you?" I'm silent. "Riley!" "I promise!" "Thank you" "But-" "I knew that had to be coming" "Do you like me, Damon?" "Of course I like you, your my best friend" "That's not what I meant, but it's ok" "You meant the other way didn't you?" "Yeah" "As in... Crushing... Loving... Heartbeating, heart pounding?" "Something like that" I laugh. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't" I sigh and close my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

She asked me if I liked her, so I decide to tease her a little. Then, I gave up and she closed her eyes trying to go to sleep and I sneak a kiss on her lips. "Maybe that answers your question" "I'd like to hear the answer so I don't assume" I laugh and say, "Yes, Riley, I like you, a lot... More than just a friend" She smiles at me. "Happy?" "Yeah" "Go to sleep" Her smile disappeared and she looked scared.

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now