The Nightmare That Changed Everything

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That night, Riley had a dream about Stefan attacking her in her sleep. I've never felt so bad for someone in my entire life... Not even Elena. And that says something. Stefan really did a number on Riley and he doesn't even realize it.

I'm laying in bed by myself, trying to sleep. When I feel someone standing over me, I look up and it's Stefan. "Huh, Stefan, you scared me" "Sorry, Riley" "Look, I apologize for yelling at you earlier, but I still don't change my mind, I can't forgive you" "It's ok, Riley, I don't deserve to forgiven, and honestly, it won't matter pretty soon" "What do you mean?" "I'm gonna kill you, Riley" "Why? What did I ever do to you? I saved you, Stefan!" I asked, and yelled, crying. "Well, everyone's pretty much ignoring me now, my brother hates me, which I don't really care about, Caroline really hates me, which is the big thing" "And you think she'll like you anymore if you kill me?!" "I can make it look like you killed yourself, I've lived a long time, Riley; covered a lot of deaths in my time, therefore, it won't be to difficult" "Damon will kill you for this!" "Nah, he won't know because you would've killed yourself, I mean I could just compel you" "Stefan, why are you doing this?" "No Humanity remember?" "But why are you coming after me?!" "Because your the easiest target, a human" "Of course that's why" "Yeah, because Damon is to weak to turn you himself" "Stefan, please, I know you don't want to hurt me, we used to be best friends... Remember when you would play with me when I was alone and help me when I was sad?!" He's silent. "Where's that Stefan?" "Sorry, but, that Stefan's gone" "No, no, please, Stefan, don't!"

"No, no, please, Stefan, don't!" I hear her yell loudly, she had been mumbling, but she yelled this, crying and tossing and turning. She was scared and even though she was dreaming you could hear it in her voice. "No! No, please, please! Stefan, no, please!" Stefan. She's having a nightmare about Stefan. Who would've thought? He's really getting to her.

"Riley! Riley, hey, Riley!" She sits up with a gasp, shaking, crying and rocking back and forth. "I can't do this anymore, Damon! I can't take it!" "Hey, Riley, come here" "No, I gotta get out of here!" "Hey, stop, come here, talk to me" "NO!" "Riley, sh, your screaming" "I don't care"

Stefan said that the reason I'm vulnerable and the most of a target is because I'm human, well, that's about to change.

I start to head out of the room and Damon asks, "Where are you going?" "To do what should've been done a long time ago" "Riley" He draws my name out slowly. "I'm ending all of this, once and for all, I can't do it anymore, Damon! I just can't!" I shout, crying. Grabbing a knife I hold it up. "Riley, put the knife down" "NO, DAMON! You don't understand what's happening inside my head! I'm being tortured every day and every night! I can't do it anymore! The best thing to do is just end it" "Stop, your not thinking clearly, Riley, calm down" Stefan comes down and looks at us in confusion. "Um, what's going on?" "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" I shout, not crying anymore and walking towards Stefan with the knife in my hand. "If you wouldn't have did what you did, none of this would be happening and we could all be happy right now!" Out of the corner of my eye I see Damon move, and I point the knife at him and say, "DON'T!" "Riley, I'm really sorry about what I did, I am, but I don't know what you want me to do"

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now