Saying It

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"I just can't lose anyone else" "And you won't, I'm not going anywhere, and neither is she" "Promise no matter what you won't leave?" "I promise" He nods and hugs me tighter. "And, I'll tell you what, Jeremy" ~ It broke my heart to see Jeremy like that, to see him crying and all brokenhearted.

"What? What are you gonna do Riley?" He asks, slowly and carefully. "I'm gonna meet up with her and clear the air, figure out how to fix things and work things out f-" "No way, she threatened you" "Which I'm well aware of" "And you still want to go and talk to her?!" "Stop yelling at me, and for you yes I would even if it means going into a lions cage, which I'm basically doing" We chuckled.

"Your going to do this no matter what aren't you?" "Yeah" He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face and through his hair. "Jeremy, I promise, I'm not leaving you, your stuck with me" "I'm glad I'm stuck with you, I don't wanna be stuck with anyone else" "Not even Selena Gomez?" He looked at me and thought for a second.

"You just had to bring out Selena, didn't you?" "I did" We laughed. "Well, to answer that question, yes, not even Selena Gomez... Can't believe I said that" "Me either, in the time I knew you you've been obsessed with her" I said, rolling my eyes. "Hey, its not like you don't have your own obsessions" "I didn't say I don't, I know I do" He shakes his head and laughs.

Seeing Riley laugh is the light to my day, I've never seen anything so beautiful than her laugh. Except maybe her smile, its all beautiful, everything about her. I think I'm in love with Riley Saltzman. 😍

  I've never felt this way about anyone before and I know it's cheesy as hell but I mean she's always laughing and smiling and always there for me. She's amazing and I can't lose her, it'd kill me, I love her and I have to tell her that before she goes to talk to Elena.

"What are you thinking about so hard about over there?" "Hm?" "What are you thinking about?" "Nothing" "Your lying, I can see it on your face and basically hear those wheels turning in that head of yours" "I... Uh... I need to go for a walk" "Um, ok? I can come with you and we can go out to eat" "No, I just need to clear my head" "About what?" "I'll tell you when I get back, ok?" "Oh, ok" "I'll be right back ok?" "Ok, be safe out there" "I will" "Ok"

I walk out and start walking, after I'm out of hearing distance of her, I pull out my phone and call Aunt Jenna.

'Jeremy?' 'Hey, Jenna' 'Hey, what's up?' 'I need your help with something' 'Ok' 'Is anyone with you?' 'Ric is, but that's it, why?' 'So Elena isn't in the house?' 'No, Jeremy, what's going on?' 'I'm in love with Riley and i have no idea how to tell or if she loves me back or if she's gonna run if I tell here' 'Woah, hey Jer slow down' 'I'm in love with Riley' 'Wow, Jeremy' 'And I have no idea how to tell her' 'Just come out with it' 'What if she runs?' 'That's a risk you'll just have to take' 'Yeah, yeah, your right' 'I know, I've been there done that' 'Ok, I'm gonna go tell here' 'Good luck Jeremy' 'Thanks, good luck with Ric' 'Hush it' We laughed and I went back to the hotel room.

"Riley, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Yeah, course is everything ok?" "Uh, depends" "Jeremy your freaking me out a little what's going on?" "Riley... I'm in love with you"

He said it! Whats she gonna do or say? Is she gonna run or say it back? Find out in the next chapter!

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~Where stories live. Discover now