First Feeding

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When I pick someone out, to distract her for a second I ask her, "Do you know a decent place around here to go for a date?" "Um, the only place I know is The Grill and even I wouldn't take someone on a date there" "Why?" "I don't know, just doesn't seem like the right spot for a date if you ask me" "Hm, don't scream" I say, looking into her eyes. I bite into her neck and the blood... I've never tasted anything so good in my life.

Damon's saying my name but I don't hear him, "Riley, RILEY!" He finally snaps me out of it. "Oh my God, did I... Kill her?" "No, but you were five seconds away from it" I compell her to forget that happened.

"Damon, it was so good" "Yeah, I know" "I need more" "No way, you almost killed that girl, Riley" "But I didn't" "Thanks to me" "You'll be with me" "Damon, please, please?" "Ok, ok, fine, come on, I know somewhere we can go" "Yay!"

She begged me for more, so I brought her to this party. It'll be dark, people will be drunk, tons of people will be there. The perfect place!

"A party? You brought me... To a party?" "Yes, don't sound so happy" After I explained why it's a good spot, and a good place, she was excited. "Ok, choose someone" "Ok" I heard her say. "Him" "Good choice" To lure him, she walked over there, all sexy like and walked past him, winking at him. He followed her just like she wanted.

When she got him to that room, she compelled him, "Don't scream" And she bit until his neck as I look at her, proudly. She looked at me and I came and drank from the other side. "Ok, Riley, stop" She actually did it. When she did, she smiled at me. "Forget this happened, you followed me and I kicked your ass" "Ah! I did it!" She squealed, jumping into my arms and hugging me. "Come on, let's get some more" "Ok" I made sure to stay near her in case she needed me.

I saw her in a crowd of people drinking from some guy, and then a look of horror on her face. Tears start streaming down her face and her lower lip starts trembling. "What happened?" "He's... I..." She couldn't finish as she walked past me, I saw his body on the ground. "Damn it" I whispered, walking out to go find Riley. I hear her cries as she's walking down the street, sobbing. She's running her hands threw her hair, and just sobbing and sobbing. More than sobbing actually, if that's possible, if it's not, it is now. "Riley, Riley! Hey, stop" "No, go away" "Hey, that happens to every vampire" "I don't care!" "Riles, calm down, ok? When your a vampire your emotions are heightened" "I wish I would've just died!" "Riley, don't say that, hey, listen to me, you are just like every single vampire out there" "I killed an innocent person, Damon!" "Riley, you didn't mean to" "It doesn't matter, he's still dead!" "It does matter, at least it was accidental and not on purpose" "No! I'm a monster" "Your not a monster, Riley, come on, let's get you home and we can talk about it there"

Riley Saltzman & Damon Salvatore ~💖~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن